~*~Chapter 2~*~

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When our class ended,Jasmine said she'll give me some of her books so I could catch up, I was really thankful,then Jasmine and I started talking about which classes we have next, "I have Economics next what about you?" She asked, "Well looks like I have... Math next" I told her.

"Awn but hey! Looks like we have lunch together after our second and third classes, we can sit together" she said, "Well actually..... I kind of don't sit in the Cafeterias" I told her looking down at my feet, "Wait what why? You know its okay there's a table under an orchard tree outside we could sit and chat more", wow she was really understanding,I smiled at her and said "That's great actually", "Great!, I'll meet you at the front of the Cafeteria when lunch starts?" She asked, "Yeah" I said , "Ok well I have to get going to class see you later Mia" she then waved at me and walked away.

I smiled and turned to start walking to class when I crashed into someone, "Oof, I'm really sor-", I then looked up to see it was that guy from earlier, Jasmine Brother, he looked at me like he literally wanted to kill me, he then shoved past me, "Look where your going you bitch" he spat at me, to say I was shocked was an understatement I bumped into him by MISTAKE, he didn't have to come out throwing the b word, "What did you just freaking call me?" I said and turned to see he  stopped walking, he then turned to look at me and said "I called you a fucking bitch" he rolled his eyes, then started walking away before I could say anything. What the hell is he's problem? I rolled my eyes and started walking to my class.

Once my classes ended, I started walking to the cafeteria before I realized I don't know where the cafeteria is, I asked around for a while before I actually found it, waiting outside the door for Jasmine before I looked up and saw, Jasmine brother and a girl who was wearing shirt and skirt that were really slutty and revealing, they were legit kissing in the hall, I suddenly felt sadness forming in the pit of my, I don't why I felt that, then he looked up and saw I was staring at them, shit I got caught, then he smirked and started full on making out and they went to the bathroom that was opposite them, it didn't take a genius to know what they were doing, I suddenly felt like crying I don't know why, I slapped myself "Come on Mia you don't even know him" I whispered to myself, I SHOULDN'T BE FEELING THIS WAY UGH.

I then noticed Jasmine and someone  else coming towards me, I regained my composure and smiled at them, "Hi Mia, oh I hope we didn't keep you waiting for to long?" she asked, "No you didn't, its ok so who's your friend?", I looked at him and seriously, is there some kind of chemical in this people's water that makes them so hot, he had blonde curly hair, Ocean blue eyes like mine except mine where more crystalized, he was tall around 6'3ft while I was 5'5ft. "Oh, sorry Mia this is Ryder, Ryder this is Mia" she said introducing us, "Its nice to meet you Mia" Ryder smiled, "Its nice to meet you too Ryder", I smiled too, "Ok let's get to the orchard tree" Jasmine said.

We got to the orchard tree outside and we all sat down and started talking, "So Mia why did you move to our sweet humble town?" Ryder asked , I looked up at him from my chicken sandwich and answered ," My dad got a promotion, so we had to move because of it", "Oh, that must have been hard leaving all your friends" Jasmine said, I just shrugged and told them "I never really had friends because people didn't want to associate with the nerd ", "What! That's terrible, Mia look their just jealous because your actually smarter than them and their giant ego's can't handle that" she rolling her eyes, I smiled, wow Jasmine is so nice.

Jasmine,Ryder and I talked about stuff we liked, I noticed that me and Ryder had a lot in common, "Wait really you also play COD!?, dude I've really never found a girl who likes playing COD" Ryder said, "Really? COD is like really awesome"I told him, "Exactly!"he screamed, I laughed and we talked more about our winnings and scores then we started to head to our respective classes, I waved bye to Ryder as he left and me and Jasmine started making our way to our classes.

"So Mia I was wondering if-" Jasmine couldn't finish what she was saying beacause a guy came up to us and started flirting with Jasmine," Hey girl" he said,looking at her very creepily might I add, "Ugh, I don't want to talk to you Don,I've told you so many times I don't like you!" Jasmine told him but he wasn't even listening to her "Awn baby, I didn't see you in lunch, I was worried maybe I can show you how worried I was"he said while putting his hands around her waist,"eww! Get your hands of me you creep!" She screamed, he ignored her, before he could say anything I grabbed all my textbooks that I was holding and hit him on the head HARD, "What the hell!?" He screamed, "She said leave her only you fucking pervert or your giant egoistic brain can't take it" I told him and continued hitting him on the head before he ran away before screaming "Yeeesh Crazy Bitch!".

I then turned to Jasmine who was looking at me wide-eyed like she couldn't believe what she just saw, "OMG ,your like awesome!!"she screamed, I laughed and told her "I don't take to likely to people who think they can just do whatever they want", "Damn girl, your like amazing" I chuckled nervelessly and said "I was just helping my friend out,also you were saying something before that jerk came, what was it?"I asked, "Oh yeah, I was just wondering if you'll like to go to the mall with me after school?", I looked at her a little shocked and asked "You wanna go to the mall with me? We just met like 5 hours ago" , "Well duh, your cool and remember we're friends now so you coming or not?" She asked and I said "Of course".

Classes went by in a flash, I won't bore you with the details, but now I was in my last class P.E, when I tell you I hate Physical Activities I hate them, I wore my sports clothes and headed outside of the locker room , "Okay everyone, Listen up! First we're gonna start of with 5 laps around the court and then a few push-ups when we come back, then-" The Coach continued saying all we're going to do, but then I felt like someone was watching me, I tried to shake it off but I still felt a person's stare, so I turned and saw it was him, Jasmine's brother he was staring at me then when he saw I caught him looking his gaze turned murderous again, what the heck did I do to this guy!? Oh wait, Nothing!, ugh boys will be boys I rolled my eyes then turned back and I won't be lying if I said I was a little bit happy if he was checking me out, Ugh stupid Mia.

We had finished P.E class and when I tell you my bones feel like breaking thats how tired I was, I was walking out of P.E class when I saw him leaning next to my locker, and oh boy he looked like a freaking GQ model, my heart started beating a little bit faster, I then walked up to my locker when he started talking,"I want you to listen and listen close, I don't want anything to do with you fucking slut and I want you to stay away from me, Got it?", Wait a minute, EXCUSE ME, "Hol up, who the hell do you think you are coming up to me and calling me that!?and for your information I want nothing to do with you either! So the feeling is fucking mutal! Just because you have all the girls in school fucking falling at your feet that doesn't mean I would!, so get that in your thick skull!, you idiot!", When I was done, he looked really pissed, oh maybe I shouldn't have said that, wait a minute no I should have I'm a person too.

Before he could say anything else my phone started ringing, I saw it was my dad and picked it up

"Hello dad?" I said

"Hey pumpkin, I just wanted to tell you I'm outside your school already" he said

"Oh okay dad, I'll be there in a second" I then hung up.

I turned and noticed the guy had left, Thank God, I wouldn't lie when he said does stuff I felt a little sad he called me a freaking slut!? But my anger just overpowered the tinge of sadness. I sighed, I should probably go and meet my dad.

Authors Note:

Hey guys, I know I know its looks a little bit boring but I'm just trying to get everything together so I can tie it down.

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies<3

Kemi Out( ˘ ³˘)❤

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