~*~Chapter 20~*~

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[❣Two Months Later❣].

Mia's POV

I groaned as I stretched, I slowly opened my eyes to only have the sunlight that was peeking through my windows shine on my eyes.

I hissed and closed my eyes but tried to adjust my eyesight to the light.

I slowly opened my eyes, I sat up and moments later a figure entered my room.

I smiled as I knew who it was and why there where here.

"Happy birthday pumpkin!"my dad yelled as.

Yep you guessed it, its the day of my birth!.

"Good morning dad"I yawned out.

"I got you something"he said.

"Dad... you didn't need to get me anything,but what did you get me?"i said fully awake now looking around for the present.

He chuckled,"Well why can i tell you when i can show you"he said giving me a small present box.

I smiled at him and slowly opened the box,inside was a car key and i snapped my head to my dad in shock.

He shook his head,"Yep, look outside your window"

I rushed to the window and what i saw made my jaw drop.

In our driveway was MY DREAM CAR!

It was a white ford fushion hybrid.

I gawked at the car and turned to my dad with tears brimming in my eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"i said hugging him tight.

He hugged me back,"Your welcome pumpkin, you deserve it and now you don't have to stay at school because I'm late"

I hugged him tight one more and let him go as i ran down the stairs and headed outside.

I looked at the beauty on our drive way,and skimmed my fingers over the exterior.

I squealed as I got entered the driver seat, I smelled the new car smell and I moaned.

I looked at the whole car with smile that seemed similar to the one the cat in Alice in wonderland had.

The car had black leather seat cover with lines of purple running across them,he remembered.

I snapped my head to the window when I heard tapping against it.

My dad was bent down, looking at me through the window.

I opened the door as I looked at him with a massive grin.

"Its amazing dad! I love it!"I hugged him again.

He chuckled,"Your welcome again sweetie, why don't you go inside and get cleaned up and we can take it for a spin".

I nodded my head enthusiastically and headed inside.

"Surprise!"I stood in shock and gasped as i had opened the door and both my best friends screamed surprise.

"Happy birthday M!"they both screamed at the same time.

I walked in slowly as tears welled up in my eyes.

I squeezed them both tight as i let the tears fall onto Ryder's shirt.

"M! This is one of my favourite shirt!"he whined as i let them both go.

I chuckled as Jas elbowed him, she glared at me.

"I'll let you guys have your fun"my dad said as he went upstairs.

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