~*~Chapter 21~*~

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Its the last day of 2021! New Year's Eve! Wooo!, I just wanted to say thank you all for picking my book and happy new years in advance,I love you all and I hope you guys have a fantastic New Years! (P.S Comment You guys new years resolution I you have any.)

{❣A week later❣}

Mia's POV

It has been a week since everything happened.

I had been stuck in my room all week, I haven't left the house at all, my dad had pretty much figured out I was not talking to Ryder and Jas because for the a few days they've each come over telling my dad to tell me their sorry.

He was worried yes and I felt bad that I made him worry.

I heard my door open slowly.

"Heyy pumpkin"he said.

I didn't say anything in return and just stared at the wall blankly with my back towards him.

I heard him sigh,"Pumpkin come on you've been in this room for a week already you need fresh air".

I shook my head no,still staring at the wall,I couldn't risk going outside where they could get me.

I shivered because everytime I closed my eyes,I could see ry- that wolf that he turned to kill those other wolves, blood everywhere,the floor, their dead bodies and his jaws.

"Look sweetie,I don't understand what happened between you and your friends and I know its not my business but I think you guys should talk it out, you three are best friends pumpkin and I see how your so happy with them, people make mistakes but I can tell that they really didn't mean to hurt you and you should give them a chance"he said as he got up and left.

I didn't know what to do, yes it hurt that they kept something as big as that from me but what am I going to do?.

I sighed out as I got off my bed, I dragged myself across my room towards my bathroom,I yawned as I closed my eyes.

I stopped when my feet hit against something.

I looked down to see its the present Jas had gotten me, and the book fell out.

I bent down and picked it up, I flipped through the pages with a sad smile on my face, I closed my eyes as I let a tear fall.

I took in a deep breath as I reached the pages that were empty, I almost closed the book as I saw some writing at the back.

I raised one of my eyebrows as I slowly opened the back.

I gasped as I read what was on it.

'Friendship is like a Tree

It is not measured by how tall it could be

But how deeply the roots could be.

Your my favorite person to be socially awkward with

Real friends never leave each other,never part. Sometimes, they couldn't be physically together,or they sit silently, deep within each other's heart, saying "I am just here if you need me"

I still can't believe I was lucky enough to meet someone as incredible and weird as you

A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you -Elbert Hubbard.

I know there's still a lot to learn about each other but I can't wait to find out! We love you M! No matter what!'

By now the tears where falling and I couldn't hold it in anymore, you could call me cheesy or cringing but I don't care.

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