~*~Chapter 27~*~

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I let out a much needed sigh as I fell back on my bed, it was finally the end of the week and I was relieved.

No it wasn't because I hate school,  I don't, its because its been hellahard trying to figure out what that stunt Jaxton pulled on Thursday was.

Like seriously! Dude pick a side! Do you hate me or do you- love? No it couldn't be love, I rolled my eyes and chuckled at that thought.

Jaxton hates me, he could never even comprehend to LIKE me, maybe he was just trying to embarrass me infront of jaz and Ryan, yeah that's it!

Do you really believe that?, Ugh! Not now conscience!

I could feel the exhaustion drawing in close.


I let out a groan as I sat up on my bed, "Yeah Dad?!", I called back to him.

"I need you to get some things from the grocery store for me!"he yelled back.

"Ughh!, right now!?"


I got up with a frustrated groan and made my way downstairs.

"The list is on the counter!, my credit card is there too!"

"Okay dad!"I yelled grabbing the list and credit card of the counter and putting them in my handbag.

"Be safe honey!

"When am I not?"I said as I made my way out the door.

I strolled through the Neighbourhood taking in that sweet outdoorsy smell.

I came to a stop at the front of the small grocery store the town had.

It had that classic grocery store look, it's main colour being green and white and the employees wearing the store's uniform.

I walked closer to door letting the electric door slid open.

I let out a sigh as I reach into my bad to look at the things I had to get.

I grabbed a small basket to carry the stuff and made my way through the aisles,  picking some stuff.

When I was done, I made my way to the register and waited in line.

They were only a handful of people I'm the store today so not really that busy.

I stopped short as I looked out the window to see a really familiar gray hoodie turning the corner.

I looked closer and I saw a bit of red before the person turned the corner.

"Hello?"I snapped back to reality when the person at the cash register called my name.

I noticed I was still standing at my spot but the people infront of me had finished.

"Oh, sorry" I said as moved closer and brought out the things I was buying.

As the cashier scanned my items, I turned in time to see a man in a wifebeater and ragged jeans enter the alley from before.

My body went rigid.

"Um excuse me?"The cashier waved to get my attention.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I said as I reached into my bag to bring out he card and pay for the stuff.

I waited for him to pack my stuff and grabbed it saying a quick thanks and rushed out the grocery store.

I looked around, okay maybe I was seeing things, wht are the odds?.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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