~*~Chapter 9~*~

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Jaxton's POV

I was in my room, I had to just ran around the border in my wolf form, 10 times,(5 in human, 5 in wolf), and I had finished my workout for today, I had showered and I was on my bed.

I should probably start on the paperwork in my office.

I was making my way downstairs when I saw Ryder running through the living room and to the garage where we park our cars,muttering 'sh*t' under his breath.

When I entered my office, I saw a stack of paperwork on my desk, I sighed out, I guess I should probably get started .
I sighed out, "Finally" I breathed out, I had finished all the paperwork.

I was going back to my room, when I noticed, Ryder wasn't back yet?, I just shrugged,he probably went out for a run.

When I reached the bed, I plopped on it,finally relaxed, then I remembered Jasmine's not back yet?, I should probably mind link her.

'Hello Jasmine?" I called out

I got no response, I tried again,still nothing, something isn't right.

I decided to mind link Ryder instead, maybe he knows where she is

'Ryder?' I called out,

'Jaxton hey," he answered, I sighed in relief.

"Yeah, hey, have you seen Jasmine? She isn't back yet" I told him.

'I think she should be the one to tell you want happened' he said, I was confused,

'So you're with her?" I asked him

'Yes, wait let me join her to the mind link' he said, suddenly I felt another person's mind in the conversation.

'Heyyyyy Jax' I sighed in relief,

'Jasmine, I was mind linking you before,why didn't you answer?" I asked her.

It was silent, before she answered, 'I think it has to do with the silver'.

'SILVER!?" I yelled into the mind link.

She sighed, then she told me everything that happened .I growled loudly, Red Heren is back?!, I then remembered.

'Is... is Mia okay?" I asked her, ugh why did I ask that!.

'Well, thank you Jaxton, me, your sister, who got stabbed with a SILVER knife is fine' she said.

I sighed, 'I'm sorry, are you okay?".

'Yes I am, so you wanna know if Mia's okay?' she asked, I could literally feel the smirk in her words.

I growled into the mind link,' It was my wolf who did, not me' I said.

'Yeahhh' I could see her rolling her eyes.

I cut the mind link, and I rushed to the the garage to get my car, lucky for us werewolves, we built our own hospital, and it was close to the pack house, so it took me only 5 minutes to get there.

When I entered, every wolf bowed their heads at me, I nodded at them and walked to the receptionist,she looked up at me, her eyes widened and showed her neck in submission.

"Jasmine Carter,Room?" I asked my voice cold and full of authority,"Uh...uh I-its 107 Alpha" she  stuttered, I nodded at her and went to my sister's room.

I froze, 'MATE' Zeus growled,I sniffed the air and closed my eyes and breathed in her sweet scent of french vanilla and strawberries, she was in this room but she wasn't here anymore.

I sighed, Thank God, I don't think I could control my wolf, the mate bond is growing every day.

I tried to distract myself from her scent and made my way towards Jasmine's bed.

"Hey Jax" she said, smiling at me, I chuckled at her, that's Jasmine smiling through any pain, I looked at her,"I can't believe I let this happen" I sighed.

Something grabbed my wrist I saw it was Jasmine,"It wasn't your fault Jaxton".

"Yes it is!,I should have been there for you!" I yelled, grabbing my hair in frustration, "Jaxton, it's not your fault okay, and I'm really fine, I'll heal, there's silver but it'll be slower,but I'll be fine" she smiled at me.

I looked down at her, I checked her from up and down, her stab was already bandaged.

"Oh hey! Mia,you done with your call already" I tensed, she was here, behind me.

My wolf was growling at me to turn and stare at her beautiful crystal eyes and feel her soft wavy brown-gold hair with my fingers while we claimed her ours.

"I-I was j-just about t-to go home" she said, her voice it was so angelic and soft and gentle. I was clenching and unclenching my fists to not loose control, Zeus wanted out, he wanted to see his mate and mark right here and there.

"Oh! You should! You'll call me when you get home?" Jasmine said, smiling at her

"Wait!" I heard Ryder call her,my wolf growled in my head.

"Let me drop you off" he said, my fists clenched, my eyes were changing color,grey to black to grey,my wolf did not like the idea of Ryder with her, after what Jasmine told us before.

"Oh, um sure" she said, they started heading out ,I growled a menacing growl.

My wolf was not happy, they had gone and I was still standing in the same spot I was in, trying to reign in my control.

"Jax......." I heard Jasmine call me, I punched the wall next to me, leaving a hole in it.

I looked over at Jasmine,she was looking at me concerned, I didn't want her to feel like she needs to worry about my problems when she was in the hospital with a knife wound in her stomach.

"I'm going for a run" I managed to growl out.

I heard her sigh but didn't say anything.

I went out of the hospital and didn't even bother to undress and shifted,letting Zeus's black fur sprout out and my claws enlarge, my bones breaking and standing in my wolf form, a giant black beast with grey eyes like mine, pieces of my clothes laid on the floor, I went towards to forest and let Zeus take full control, he needed to release his anger.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this chapter is short :'(, its basically only 1000 words.

I didn't really have much inspiration and motivation to write this chapter and I'll also like to say I'd be posting only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I hope you all understand, thank you!.

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies <3

Kemi-Out( ˘ ³˘)❤

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