~*~Chapter 3~*~

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"Hi dad" I said while I entered the car,"Hi sweetie, so how was your first day of school?" He asked me while looking forward to drive, should I tell him about Jasmine's brother? No it's better I don't tell him or else he'll start freaking out.

"School was good, I made a friend today, 2 actually" I said, he looked a little shocked but covered it fast, I don't blame him he knows I'm not one to make friends,"That's great pumpkin!, so what are their names?".

"Jasmine and Ryder"I told him, "Ryder , like a boy Ryder?" My dad asked, I sighed"Yes dad a boy Ryder,and dad you should trust me I only focus only my grades,boys are not as important", he smiled"That's my girl,its ok I trust you"."Oh and also Jasmine is coming over to pick me up we're going to the mall if that's ok?" , Now he didn't cover up his shock, "Honey you! Going to the mall!?", "Yes dad, I understand why your shocked dad, but can I go?" I asked, he knew I didn't like going to mall, I rarely only go there for light shopping, "Of course pumpkin! You can go"."Thanks dad".

Once we got home, I went up to my room to change into something more comfortable, a pair of grey sweatpants and a loose red shirt, I jumped on my bed, wanting to text Jasmine my address,to say I was surprised when she gave me her number after agreeing we'll go to the mall.

Me:Hey Jasmine

Jasmine🌸:Oh hi Mia,how are you?

Me:Oh I'm good thanks for asking,was just about to text you my address.

Jasmine🌸:Oh ok great, I'll be there in soon,Get ready girl

Me:Ok. Bye

I then put down my phone and decided to take a shower,then I took about 20 minutes stressing about what to wear,then slumped on the bed,"Come on Mia, its not like its a first date I'm just hanging out with a friend"I said to myself." But it is your first friend" my conscience said, Ugh its true, you know what.

I then got off the bed and picked up my black long sleeve crop top and a high waist washed out jeans and wore it, then when I was done I heard the doorbell, oh dang is she already here? I heard chattering before my dad shouted"Mia, Your friend Jasmine's here!", "I'll be right there!" I yelled back, I carried my handbag and my phone before rushing downstairs.

I saw Jasmine sitting on the couch, she was wearing a black shirt that said 'Bitches Will Be Bitches' and black leggings, "Hey Jasmine" I said waving at her, "Hey Mia, so you already to go?" She asked,"Yeah I am, Bye dad!" I yelled as we we're leaving,"Okay kids don't stay out to long!" He yelled back, "We won't!".

We then went outside and let me tell you what I saw made my jaw drop, "Jasmine!? You have a freaking Tesla!?" I shouted surprised, the Tesla was a dark red,she chuckled" Oh yeah, I got it for my birthday,2 month ago", I was still shocked as we entered the clean sleek car, "So you ready?" She asked as I snapped out of my daze, "Oh um yeah" I told her.

When we reached the mall, we went shopping for 4 HOURS!?!, I begged her so we could relax at the food court,"Ok, I am a little hungry"she said, when we reached the food court, we both got a turkey sandwich and a smoothie,"Seriously Jasmine!, Aren't you tired?, we've been shopping for 4 hours!?" I said, "Really? 4? Wow, that's the shortest I've ever shopped, and to answer your question I'm not tired" she said and smiled. My jaw dropped. To say the least I merely only shop for the average of 1 hour.

We went back to eating and chatted a little, when suddenly Jasmine's phone rang. She picked it up, "Hello?" She asked, "Oh I'm just at the mall", "No, I'm okay", "Ok, bye" she then hung up.

"Sorry, that was my brother, he was asking were I was"she told me, then I went stiff, her brother, the same guy who could me a slut. I should probably ask her about what happened.

"Um, Jasmine can I ask you something?" I guess now is better than ever, "Yeah sure, what is it?" She said looking up at me from her phone. I coughed "Ok, um so I was walking out of P.E today, and I saw your brother at my locker and then I haven't even done anything to him he straight up called me a freaking Slut and told me to stay far away from him , I just don't understand, Like I haven't done anything to him also the fact he's been staring none stop at me through out the whole school day"I finally finished, and looked at Jasmine's face, she was frozen to say the least, she was opening and closing her mouth.

Then she finally said,"Are you sure it was MY brother, Jaxton , MY brother?", I nodded yes,"I remember you saying he was your brother when he walked into English", she was lost like she was seriously thinking then she looked liked she found a million dollars and then she looked taken aback, "Wait, he called you a WHAT!?" she yelled, everyone near us turned their heads to us "Shhh, keep your voice down people are staring" I quietly told her.

She then looked around and started talking normal, "Ok, you said he called you a... that word?" She asked , "Yes and I'm not sure why, like I barely know him until right now I didn't know he's name was Jaxton " I told her, "Wow, ok so what did you say then?" She asked,I looked down a little hoping she won't be mad at me for yelling at her brother, "I kind of yelled at him saying, he didn't have the right to call me that and I don't even know him and he should get that through his thick skull and he's an idiot", I looked up at her, she then started laughing, I was a little bit shocked and started laughing too.

Once we calmed down, she told me, "Look, I'm so sorry for what my dumb brother said and I'll make sure he doesn't say stuff like that again", "Hey, it's not your fault, and don't worry about it" I told her, "No, I will worry because he doesn't have the right to insult his ma-, I mean his sister's friend" I just looked at her and smiled.

We started heading back to the car when suddenly I felt and excruciating pain in my chest, I fell down, "MIA!" Jasmine was screaming, I couldn't concentrate the pain was to much, I screamed, "MIA, MIA COME ON" Jasmine was yelling but I could barely hear her, the pain was to overwhelming, she sounded so far away, "Please, make it stop" I begged her, I was crying.

Jasmine helped me into the back seat to lie down, after a few minutes the pain subsided and I could sit up in the car, I looked around to see we we're still in the parking lot of the mall, Jasmine was sitting in the back seat with me, my head was resting on her lap.

"Oh my God, Mia are you ok!?, you were crying and you looked in pain so much I didn't know what to do, I'm so sorry" she rambled on saying sorry, "Jasmine relax, its not your fault, I-i don't know what happened either, I've never felt that much pain before" I said, "I'm so sorry Mia" she said, "Jasmine its not your fault,ok?, let's just get back home, my dad must be worried" I said, she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion,"Why we've only been gone for like almost 5 hours?".

I laughed a little, "Would you believe me, if I told you I only spend 1 or 2 hours shopping?", she looked surprised "Really!?, then how do you get anything?", "I don't really need a lot of stuff, so it doesn't take that long". "Wow, ok cool, let's get you back home then" she said as we got out the back seat and she sat at the driver's seat and I sat at the passenger seat, she started the car and asked "Mia, are you sure your okay?", Was I Okay? That pain I felt it wasn't only body pain but also emotional, it felt like my heart was breaking over and over again,"Yeah, I'm good" I told her, she didn't quite looked convinced but didn't say anything else and drove on.

Once we got to my house, she dropped me off and we said our goodbyes,when I entered the house, I saw my dad on the couch, "Hey sweetie" he said, "Hey dad.... ok I'm sorry that I was late but it turns out that Jasmine shops for at least 4 hours
and I didn't want to say anything and again I'm sorry I'm late" I blurted out, he  just chuckled, I looked at him confused, "Pumpkin, It's okay I know girls your age take like 7 hours to shop. He honestly didn't look mad then I should probably not tell him about the strange thing that happened to me.

I sighed,"Oh thank God, I was scared you'd be mad,I'm gonna go change now dad", I waved at him, "Okay sweetie, I'll go start making dinner" he said.

Author's Note:

... Just wanted to say hi, Hi.

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies<3

Kemi-Out( ˘ ³˘)❤

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