~*~Chapter 18~*~

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Mia's POV

I woke up the next morning, stretching my arms, yawning.

I got up and headed to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked drained, and tired, I sighed out.

Ok Mia you got this!,I said in my head while patting my cheeks

All I have to do is ignore him for well... The rest of the school year...

Ugh!, I groaned as brushed my hand through my wild hair, well I gotta get ready for school.

I showered and washed my hair, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself and one wrapped around my hair, I got out of the bathroom and took the clothes I was going to wear today out from my wardrobe.

I wore my skinny jeans and my long sleeve blue shirt, I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs.

Once I stepped down, I was hit with a delicious aroma,I moaned and my stomach growled in response.

"Good morning dad"I said as I hopped down on the seat in front of the counter, ready to eat.

"Good morning pumpkin"he called from over his shoulders as he made something on the stove.

"What are you making?"I called out trying to look over his shoulders, licking my lips.

"Torrijas!"he said.

As he said that my eyes lighten with excitement.

"Yes!"I said as rushed to get my plate.

I heard my dad laugh from behind me,"Calm down pumpkin, there aren't going anywhere"he said.

I rolled my eyes, of course they're going somewhere and that somewhere is my tummy.

A/N:Hey guys, for further explanation, Torrijas are Spanish style French Toast.

I also grabbed a glass so I could take some orange juice,"Don't forget to get my plate and glass too missy".

I chuckled but grabbed my dad's plate and glass too, I arranged them on the counter and grabbed the carton of orange juice from the fridge.

My dad served our torrijas on the plates and I poured the orange juice in our cups.

When I took the first bite, I moaned.

"Its good isn't it?"I just nodded ecstatically, there's a reason they're one of my favorite breakfast foods.

"So dad"I said as I swallowed a bite.

"Why did you make torrijas?"I asked him, honestly confused why he made my favorite breakfast.

He shrugged,"I just wanted to"he said.

Ok now I know he's lying.


He sighed,"Fine,pumpkin you probably think I haven't noticed but I have, you've been a lot more tired and stressed lately and I wanted to ask if you were okay?"he asked.

I sighed to,"I'm fine dad"I said as I poked my food with my fork.

"Mia, we don't lie to each other you know that"he said.

I sighed and closed my eyes, I opened them back and looked up at my dad,"Its just school".

He quirked his eyebrows at me,"You've never been stressed with school before".

I shrugged,"Its just a little harder but I'm okay really plus its just girl stuff"I said, using the lie jasmine used yesterday,hoping it'll help me.

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