~*~Chapter 10~*~

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Mia's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone dinging none stop, I groaned, who is texting this early?.

I picked up my phone to see it was Jasmine.

Bestie🌸: Mia!, what happened? You didn't call me when you got home.

Bestie🌸: Mia,text me back when you get this please!

Bestie🌸: Mia! Why haven't you texted back!? You know what I'm coming over.

I saw she just sent that text, I groaned, and decided to called her.

"Mia!, are you okay? What happened? Why didn't you answer my texts?"she was ranting off.

"Jasmine, not so loud, your shouting is giving me a headache, and I just woke up" I groaned out.

"Well excuse me!! For trying to see if my best friend is okay!" She yelled out, I sighed,"I'm okay, Jas,okay?, I'm supposed to be asking you that after... What happened yesterday" I tried to reduce my voice, so my dad won't hear me.

She sighed,"I'm good Mia, but I was worried, you didn't call me last night when you got home", I sighed,"Ok, I'm sorry I was to really exhausted,look I'll come by when I've showed and cleaned up" I told her.

"Okay" she said, I really didn't want her to worry after what happened and how its my fault,she says its not but I know I could have done something.

I cut the call and made my way over to my bathroom, I brushed my teeth and showered, I decided to wear a blue T-shirt and blue jeans with my slip-on black shoes.

I headed downstairs when I got my stuff and realized, that 1. I don't have a car and I can't ask my dad to drive me because he doesn't know about the whole Jas in hospital situation and 2. I don't even know exactly where the hospital is.

I sighed out in frustration and grabbed my phone.

"Jasmine......, I don't have a way to get there" I told her, rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Ohhh, girl how did you forget!?" She was laughing.

I groaned,she finally calmed down,"Okay its fine, I'll call Ryder to come pick you up"she said.

I thanked her and cut the call.

I had waited for Ryder for 20 minutes before I heard a honk, I looked through my house window to see it was the same black BMW that Ryder drove to the mall parking lot yesterday.

I went outside, feeling a little nervous all of sudden, I brushed it off,and went to open the door.

"Ryder,took you long enough,I -" I froze, when I saw who was in the driver's seat and let me tell you it was not Ryder.

It was him, Jaxton, looking as good as ever, he was wearing a white fitted shirt which clunged to his body and showed off his muscles, and light blue trousers, with some Nike sneakers.

What the heck was he doing here?And why was he in Ryder's car?and how did he know where I live?.

"Are you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna get in the freaking car?" He snarled out, not even looking at me, still looking ahead.

I didn't realize I was still standing there, frozen, "W-why?" I asked,seriously confused.

Suddenly I got a text.

Ryder(COD Bestie🎮):Hey Mia!,I'm really sorry I can't pick you up,something came up but Jaxton's coming, so yeahhh bye!

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