~*~Chapter 8~*~

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We found Jasmine's hospital room and went inside, Jasmine was on the bed, her stomach was bandaged and she was still asleep, I closed my mouth with my hand, tears forming in my eyes.

"It's all my fault" I whispered,"Hey, hey, hey Mia it is NOT your fault okay?" Ryder said looking at me with his hands on my shoulders trying to reassure me.

I shook my head no,"If she hadn't, come in front of me to save me, she'll would be okay" I said, about to tear up.

"But you would've been lying there instead" he said, "I don't care!, my best friend is lying on that bed! With a knife stab in her stomach, Because of Me!" I said, crying already.

"Its not your fault", I looked up shocked,"Oh no, Jasmine, I'm so sorry, did I wake you up?, I can't believe your hurt, this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so stupid!" I said.

"Mia, Look I'm okay ok?" She said, I shook my head, "No you're not" I said.

"Hey, look at me" she said, I raised my head to look at her,"I may look terrible and the cut isn't that deep but I am rocking! this bandage look!" She said.

Me and Ryder chuckled at her, That's Jasmine for you, she could take a bullet and still try to cheer you up a little, "See, I'm good, now wipe does tears off", I wiped my tears off, "Now, would someone tell me how I got here?" She said, looking around confused.

I then explained everything to her, about how I carried her to the car and to how we brought her to the hospital.

She looked in thought, "So what I'm hearing is, RYDER CARES ABOUT ME, AWWWN" she said.

I laughed, "I do not, its that your brother will probably kill me if he found out, I didn't help you" he said.

Jasmine laughed at him, while I chuckled a little,when Ryder said her brother, I remembered all the things he said to me.

Then suddenly, I remembered something, "Hey guys?" I called them, they were still bickering about if Ryder cared for her or not, then they both stopped and looked at me.

"Yeah?" They said in unison, "I wanted to ask what was that guy talking about?" they both looked at each other for while, they looked like that were in deep thought and their eyes were glazed over,they were like that for a few minutes.

I felt like I was left out, "Hello?" I said, waving my hands in front of their faces,"Oh um, what are talking about exactly?" Ryder asked, I looked at him suspiciously, he knew what I was talking about, I told him everything that happened.

"Well, I'm talking about all the stuff the guy said! Like who is 'Alpha' Carter like is that some nickname for your brother because he apparently knew you were his little sister! And what or who the heck is the 'Red Heren'-" I couldn't finish because I then heard, I got a text on my phone.

I fished it out of my pocket and saw it was from my dad.

Dad❤: Pumpkin, where are you? I'm starting to get worried, Call me back when you get this.

Oh no! I forgot to tell him!, "Look we'll talk about this later, I got to call my dad, he's worried and I forgot to tell him what happened".

Before I could leave, I heard both of them call me,"Mia, wait!", I turned to look at them confused,"What?".

"Can you..... not tell your dad about the whole guy,knife,me incident" Jasmine asked.

"What? Why?" I asked, seriously confused now.

"Like um, Mia we don't know who that guy is and we don't know if he'll come after anyone you tell" Ryder said,"But, my Dad has the right to know! I almost got killed, Jasmine YOU almost got killed!" I yelled.

"Yeah I'm okay now, but your dad doesn't need to know, or he'll want to move you again or send you to a far away boarding school!" She said, giving me her puppy dog eyes,I sighed, I don't know why but I just trusted them enough.

"Ok, but I'm trusting you guys" I said, they both shook their heads yes furiously, I sighed and went outside.

I fished my phone out, and called my dad, he picked on the second ring.

'Hello Mia?" my dad asked

"Hey dad, it's me, I'm okay"

'Oh Thank God!, Maria Josephine Hunter! Where are you!? Its almost 11:30!?," he yelled

Oh no, full name, its serious, he rarely calls me by my full name.

"I'm so so sorry dad, Jasmine and I ....we wanted to watch a few movies and drive around, we kinda lost track of time, I'm really sorry dad!" I lied.

I heard him sigh through the phone,and heard him mutter, 'this girl is going to worry me to death'.

"I will not!" I said, I heard him laugh through the phone, oh thank God he's not mad anymore.

"Just because, I'm laughing doesn't mean I'm not mad anymore".

Dang it, did he just read my mind?.

"I really am sorry dad" I told him.

"Its ok pumpkin, your growing up and I shouldn't be putting you on a tight leash, all the time, I know you can take care of your self, just tell me where your going from time to time ok?".

"Ok dad" I said.

"Well, be back home soon, love you pumpkin"he said.

I smiled but I knew he couldn't see me,"Ok dad, Love you too".

Once I cut the call I started making my way back but I suddenly felt little butterflies were in my stomach and I felt nervous all of a sudden, my hands were becoming a little sweaty and chapping,what the heck?.

I entered Jasmine hospital room, about to tell her I had to leave when I saw it wasn't only Jasmine and Ryder in there, he was there,he's back was facing towards me(his glorious,glorious back) and he was looking over Jasmine.

"Oh hey! Mia, you done with your call already?" Jasmine asked looking over at me, suddenly he's back tensed when he heard my name, his muscles flexing, I wanted to run my hands over his back.

"Uh.. Y-yeah" I said stuttering a little, Jasmine saw me looking over at her brother then she suddenly remembered, and had a 'Oh' face.

I saw his fists clenching and unclenching.

"I-i was j-just about to g-get home" Why did I feel so nervous all of a sudden! And why was I stuttering!.

"Oh! You should! You'll call me when you get home?" She said, smiling at me, she knew how hard this was for me,"Yeah, bye" I said waving at her.

"Wait!" I heard Ryder call me,I turned to him "Let me drop you off" he said smiling at me, from my side, I heard Jaxton grumble something and his fists were completely clenched now.

"Oh, um sure" I realized I didn't have a way back home,"Cool, I'll drop you off and come back here"he said.

We were heading out when I heard a type of growl, I looked around, it looked like no one else noticed it, I shrugged it off and followed Ryder to Jasmine's car.

"Wait,what about your car that you drove to the mall?" I asked, just remembering he drove there,"I'll get it tomorrow" he said, shrugging it off so I dropped it too.

I gave him directions to my house and he dropped me off, " Have a good night Mia", he said as hugged me."Thanks Ryder, you too".

I watched as he drove away and the car started disappearing in the distance, I entered my house and went upstairs, not even bothering to shower, I jumped on my bed, already exhausted from today's events. I slept off and dreamt about a certain guy with grey eyes who likes to make my life miserable.

Author's Note:

Hilo :')

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies <3

Kemi-Out ( ˘ ³˘)❤

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