~*~Chapter 12~*~

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Mia's POV

I had reached my house, I reached for my keys in my bag to open the door.

When I entered, I was surprised then I smiled.

On the TV in the living room was Iron Man 1-3 ready to play, with bowls full of popcorn and soda's on the table in front of the couch.

I chuckled at myself, my dad is amazing.

"Oh, hey pumpkin! I didn't hear Jasmine's car pull up" I turned to my dad, he was coming downstairs.

"She just dropped me off, a block away I wanted to surprise you" I lied.

"Oh ok, well......." He said, walking over to the couch.

"I did well, didn't I?" He smiled at me.

"Yes you did, how did you set all this up so fast dad?" I asked, walking towards him.

"Well, when a dad wants to spend time with their daughter they are really fast" he said, looking proud.

I eyed him suspiciously, with my hands on my hips, He huffed out.

"Okay yes, I didn't have anything else to do and I was bored" he said.

I chuckled at him,"Its okay dad, I love it".

He clapped his hands together,"Great!, Let's get to watching then!".

I nodded, smiling then we hopped on the couch, reading to watch.
"That was awesome Dad!" I told him, we had just finished watching all three Iron man movies.

"That was great dad, I'm glad we did that, we haven't done that in a while" I told him.

He sighed,"I'm sorry pumpkin, this job is just been a little stressful and time-draining".

"Its okay dad, I understand" I smiled at him, and gave him a hug.

As we let go, he smiled at me,"So, how's that other friend of yours, you know the guy" he asked.

"Oh, Ryder?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah him," he said.

"He's good,".

"That's good"

"I'm going up to my room, " I told him.

"Okay sweetie".

Once I entered my room, I collapsed on the bed.

I sighed out, what should I do now?.
I had just finished my homework and scrolled through Tik Tok.

Suddenly I heard my phone ringing,I saw it was Jasmine.

"Hey girl, what's up?" She asked.

"Nothing much,just finished homework" I told her.

"Cool, so you done with that thing with your dad?" She asked.


"So does that mean your coming back?" I could literally hear the pout in her voice.

I sighed,"Well,I basically have nothing else to do so yeah I guess" I told her.

"Ye!, Great!" she said happily.

I chuckled at her, but then froze, oh no,"I-is he picking me up again?" I asked her, she knew who I was talking about.

"No, its okay Mia" as she said that I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding.

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