~*~ Chapter 5~*~

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Mia's POV

Its been a whole week since I started, Crystal High, Me,Jasmine and Ryder have been hanging out a lot and they're really cool people, I also found out Ryder is Jaxton's best friend, I was a little surprised and was a little tense around him but I got over it and found out that Ryder is different from his best friend,but there's a saying that to much of a good thing brings along a bad thing.

Every time I come across Jaxton he always has a new thing to call me, either its just passing by him in the hall or him coming up to me and walking away. The times I'm with Jasmine, he doesn't seem to bother me , I guess he's just trying to keep his 'good brother' cover, And he's always with a new girl everyday and I don't know if he's trying to make me know but everywhere I go in school he's always making out with them, and it always made me want to cry, I don't know why I felt like that, and I also don't know why he seems like he wants to make my life a leaving hell, even the girls he messes around with, start calling me names to, but Jasmine always tries to defend me and back them off even when I told her I can take care of myself.

Right now its Friday, and Me, Jasmine and Ryder are under our orchard tree we've made it our hangout spot during lunch, "Hey Mia" Jasmine called me, while waving her hands in front of my face, "Oh um, hey what's up?" I asked her, "You basically just zoned out" Ryder said, looking at me worriedly, "Yeah, what were you thinking about?" Jasmine asked.

I couldn't tell her, her brother was literally bullying me, I don't want her and her brother to fight because of me, "Oh you know, just homework" I lied, She looked at me and then shrugged, "Ok, but while you were zoned out I wanted to ask if you'll come to mall with me tomorrow?" She asked, I saw Ryder cringed,Jasmine saw it too,"And why did you just cringe Mister?".

"Oh um, I was .....thinking about homework too..?" He said it like it was a question, Jasmine glared at him, and then he sighed, "Ok, Jasmine when you shop..... you tend to...", "Spit out!, I tend to what?" She said looking at him with her arms crossed.

He then looked at me for help, but I gave him the 'You got yourself into this mess,' look, he sighed,"You tend to shop for HOURS and go overboard!" He said, She looked taken aback,"Well for your information sir!, We girl actually need clothes to wear, while you boys just wear jeans and shirt, we need actually clothes!".

"You need to look for clothes for 7 hours!?"He screamed,"Well, Yesss!, Isn't that right Mia?" They both then turned to me, "Hey, Don't throw me into this" I said raising my hands in surrender.

She then huffed, "Fine, I guess I take a little longer than necessary" she said, "A little!?" Ryder said, She then glared at him, "Fineeee, to you guys, I guess I do shop a lot".

I looked at Ryder, and gave him a look, we then both gave Jasmine a hug, "But it doesn't mean we love you any less"I told her.

"Awwwwn, Guys! I love you guys too!" She smiled and hugged us back, we then sat back at our seats,"So, does that mean you'll come to the mall with me??" She asked, using her puppy dog eyes, I rolled my eyes,"Yes,Jasmine I'm coming to the mall with you" I said.

"Heeee!!!" She squealed happily, "I'm so excited!", Me and Ryder laughed at her enthusiasm and started chatting about other stuff, once we finished our lunch, we went our separate ways for our classes.

Then I bumped into someone,"Dang, I'm really so-" then I looked up and saw it was Jaxton,he rolled his eyes "Not only are you pathetic, your blind to" he snarled out,"You know what" he stopped walking, "Why the hell do you hate me so much? I haven't even done anything to you! I don't even know you!?"I yelled at him.

He then turned around, he looked mad,"You wanna know why I hate you so much? 'cause your a fucking pathetic b*tch, your weak and a sad excuse of a mate and I'd rather lie in the sewers dead than be near you!"he then stomped away angrily.

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