~*~Chapter 4~*~

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A/N:In this chapter there is an inappropriate scene, so for those who does who feel uncomfortable reading it, I've put a warning indicating when it'll start and end.

Jaxton POV

I was in my office doing some paperwork after having had a little bit of fun , I smiled to myself. My wolf growled at me 'You betrayed mate' I rolled my eyes, 'She's not our mate, she'll never be our mate' I growled back, My wolf just snarled and went to the back of my mind.

Suddenly I heard shouting, "WHERE IS HE!?" It was Jasmine screaming, "He's in his office!!" Ryder, My beta yelled back, then Jasmine barged into my office looking mad, "What the hell!? Jasmine what happened!?" I asked her.

" You, I can't believe you" She said, pointing at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"You knew, you knew she was your mate and yet you went and fucked that bimbo!" She yelled back.

I sighed, "What are you talking about?", there's no way she knew.

"Don't play dumb with me! You knew Mia was your freaking mate! And you let her go to tremendous pain while you were fucking that Slut!"She yelled.

I look up, surprised now, "What do you mean? How is she in pain!?" I asked her.

She just rolled her eyes, I growled at her , "Oh its now you suddenly care about her! After what you put her through!".

I sat back down, trying to control my wolf,"I don't care about her and she's not my mate, she'll never be my mate" I said.

She looked taken aback, "Why? Why would you do this to her!? She's amazing! And Kind! And strong, caring!"

Now I rolled my eyes at her, "You just met her today, plus she's.....human" I said closing my eyes and clenching my fist.

"Jaxton....." Her voice was now calmer now. She sighed, and came to stand next to me and hugged me, "I know, but you need to understand, Mia is nothing like them.

Then I growled and pushed her away, "You have no idea Jasmine!, you just met her! You can't just trust her so easily!"

"Well at least I know that you don't hurt your mate like how you hurt her!, You didn't see it Jaxton, she was in so much pain but physical and emotionally" she said, looking down.

I growled and fisted my hair, "I. Don't .Care", I said and sat back in my chair.

She sighed, "Jaxton...." she sighed again,"Don't do something you'll regret please" then she left the office.

I growled, I don't need a human mate, 'We hurt mate, We hurt mate' my wolf said while whimpering, Ugh, This human is making me weak.

I decided to go for a run, once I got back, I went to my room but when I opened my door, I saw that girl I was fucking earlier on my bed,Naked might I add.

"You look stressed Jaxy, Let me help you relax"She said and she came closer to me, swaying her hips seductively.

***'Inappropriate Section Starts'***

She came closer then she bent down and started pulling my pants down, I felt like stopping her and going back to work but a little break won't hurt.

She then grabbed my member and started licking the sides, I moaned, She then started sucking on my dick, in and out, I moaned louder,she was going faster. Oh Fuck!, I threw my head back.

***'Inappropriate Section Ends'***

Then suddenly I looked down at her and when I saw her face, all I saw was Mia and her beautiful Crystal blue eyes, I growled and pushed the girl away.

"Jaxy?" she called my name confused

"Get. Out" I growled.

"But jaxy-"

"I SAID GET OUT NOW" I growled louder now.

She then got off the floor and ran out crying. I couldn't care less.

Why the heck is this girl in my head!? 'Because she is our mate' my wolf said. I punched the wall beside me, I created a hole and my fist was bleeding but I didn't care it'll heal in a few seconds.

I need to get this girl out of my mind, Mia, her name was so blissful, so soothing, NO NO NO. I don't feel anything for her. 'Yes we do' my wolf said. No I don't!

I growled lowly, I need to do whatever I can to distance myself from this human.

Author's Note:

I know, I know its a short chapter but I'm trying to reach the full version of the story and the main blockbuster.

And I'm sorry for those who thought that I'll show why Jaxton hates humans so much in this chapter.

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies<3

Kemi-Out ( ˘ ³˘)❤

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