~*~Chapter 22~*~

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Ryder's POV

Jas and I entered my car and drove away from Mia's house.

"What do you think he wants?"she asked me, honestly I wanted to know to, over the past two months Jax had been closed off completely, always in his office or room handling alpha duties.

Honestly I'm happy he's done with all those disgusting flings and what not, but he's also closed off his mate and I can see how devastated Mia is every time we talk about him, the mate bond between both of them has grown alot through out this months but I can tell Jax is holding back because of what she is and he thinks he's disrespecting them, but he has to realize that they were paired for a reason.

I sighed out as I ran my other hand over my face.

"I don't know Jas, but it has to be important if he's actually mind linking us",it had to be because he had only been talking to me if it was about  my beta duties, I'm actually worried for him, his wolf must be going crazy without his mate.

She nodded her head,"It better be"she huffed out.

A small smile crept to my face, she was upset because we had just made up with Mia and Jax came in with the  mind link.

I sighed out again,"Do you think it was a good idea?"I asked her.

"Yes Ryder it was, we can't let her know what mates are".

"I know but-"

"But nothing,look we'll tell her when Jaxton realizes that he needs her until then she must not know anything about mates or the fact her soulmate cheated on her, ignored her and doesn't want anything to do with her".

I sighed out right, I just hope Jaxton realizes it soon".

She sighed to as she turned to look out the window and muttered,"I hope so too".


I knocked on Jaxton's office door and waited until I heard a 'come in'.

I opened the door and entered in.

Jaxton was leaned over his table looking over a map while Ben our Gamma was next to me checking it to.

"Great Ryder your here, We think we have found something come over here and look"he said.

I walked up to the table and looked over it too.

"So while you were out, there was an attack-"

"What!? Why didn't you call me?"I asked.

"Calm down, we got it under control, but we a few warriors where injured".


He sighed,"Yeah, one of the patrol smelt them near the border, they had positioned themselves in the bushes and when they mind linked me, I ran there with a few warriors but it was a trap and we were ambushed, they had new weapons, one thing we identified was something like a silver bomb, we triggered it and some warriors were hit by the silver,we were able to attack some but I ran after the ones who had escaped but suddenly it likes they vanished".

"Vanished? How did they just vanish?".

He sighed out,"I don't know there had just disappeared"

"Wow,Well you said you found something?"

"Yeah I came back here and tracked the way they were running and it was here"he pointed some areas around the forest.


"So I navigated the place to at least a 10 mile radius because he couldn't have let them be to far away from their base and considering the fact they are a lot of them, we have to suggest they are hiding in some spacious, and I found 3 abandoned buildings here, here and here"he said pointing out dots on the map.

"So you think they're there?"

"Yes I think,I'm not entirely sure so Ben"he called Ben.

"Yes?"he called out.

"I need you to gather a stealth team to search those 3 buildings but they should not approach if they see anything suspicious and should report back to me or Ryder".

Ben gave a swift nod and replied with a 'Yes Alpha' and left.

He had always been the serious one of the group.

Jaxton sighed as he fell back on his chair and I sat on the couch in his office.

"So he's really back?"I asked not really believing it myself.


I sighed as I rubbed my face with my hand.

"Where were you anyway? I checked your office when they came but you weren't there and I figured you just went on a run and mind linked Jas to mind link you".

"Well...."Shit should I tell him I was over at his mates house telling her everything about our world, Probably Not.

"Well.. What?"

"I was over at Mia's House"he stiffened at her name and just stared blankly before giving a stiff nod.

"Really? Are you really not going to say anything?"I asked.

He took in a deep breath,"What do you expect me to say?"

"Oh I don't know maybe along the lines of, 'how's my mate?', or 'is she okay?' Or 'is she not totally devastated that I ignored her for TWO MONTHS!"I screamed.

He growled out,"We are not having this conversation Ryder".

"Yes we are Jaxton, she's your mate and you've just tossed her aside like she's nothing but garbage".

"How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want anything to do with her!"he yelled.

I sighed out, I needed to calm down to show him how much he's losing sooner or later Mia's gonna find out what mates are and she's gonna figure out Jaxton's her mate and all the things he's done and she's going to be devastated and when he realizes what he's done, she's going to hate him.

"Jaxton please just listen to me, she's your mate and you can't keep doing this because its hurting her and you, your mates, the Moon Goddess paired you guys each other for a reason, your meant to love her not ignore her existence".


"But nothing Jax!, I'd give anything in the world to have my mate right now in my arms and your just ignoring yours, I'm your best friend and as your best friend I'm the one who needs to tell you this stuff and dude you honestly need to get your act together fast or else you'll end up losing her"I said as I walked out of his office.

Well that was something, I really did make a dramatic exit didn't I? Damn I'm cool.

Author's Note:

Short Chapter I know I know, but I needed to upload something!, And well... There's something I wanted to tell you guys,There might be less updates... I know I know 'Why?' 'Boo' I know and I'm sorry ok!.

I'm resuming school and I wanted to tell you guys that they might not always be update and if there is some might be short like this but I promise! I'll try! So please don't give up on this story yet! and know I love you all so much!and I promise to try my best and upload at regular times.

Q/A:Sunny🌞,Rainy🌧 Or Snowy🌨❄?

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Until Next Chapter Lovelies<3

Kemi-Out ( ˘ ³˘)❤

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