I Got Your Back

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Because (Y/N lived so close to the Harpers, Anne and Tom always allowed her to ride with them and bring her with their kids to school. More often than not they started their day the same. (Y/N) also had classes with at least one Harper quad all the time. It's why she never had issues forming groups or looking for a partner. But because she stuck around with the quads so much, she had a hard time understanding if they wanted to have friends outside their group. That day, Dawn was nervous because the club results were coming out today. She was walking down the halls, Nicky and Dicky on either side of her and (Y/N) beside Nicky.

"Attention Edgewood students," a woman on the PA announced with very low enthusiasm. "The rosters for all clubs and sports teams are now being posted. Go buffaloes."

"I'm so nervous," Dawn stammered. "What if I didn't make the team?" She then turned to Dicky and violently shook him by the shoulders. "It'll be terrible! I'll be humiliated." She let go and turned back to Nicky, placing an arm over his shoulder. "But what if I did? Imagine. I'll be the first 5th grader to ever make the 6th-grade team. I'll be a legend...But what if I didn't?!" She started shaking her other brother again. (Y/N) held back her laugh. "It'll be like a horrible kick in the shins!" Dawn stopped shaking Dicky and then kicked his shin.

"Ow!" he shouted, jumping on one foot. He turned to Nicky and (Y/N). "Can we switch now?"

Nicky shook his head. "Pfft, no way."

"I totally understand, Dawn," (Y/N) said, patting her friend's shoulder. "I was nervous about auditioning for the glee club. I'd be devastated if I didn't get in."

"Are you serious?!" Dawn exclaimed. "That club would practically BEG you to get in!"

"Psh, don't say it like that."

"It's true!" Nicky nodded. "I don't know what you have to worry about?" (Y/N) simply smiled.

"Thanks, Nicky. Well, let's go, Dawn."

"I can't look!" The girl covered her eyes.

"Don't worry," Nicky said. "We got your back." Nicky patted Dawn's arm and he and (Y/N) walked off.

"Don't leave me!" Dicky shouted, but they ignored him.

"Do you really think I'm able to get in?" (Y/N) asked Nicky. To be completely honest, she knew she would, but she lowkey wanted to hear Nicky say it.

"Of course!" the brunette insisted. "You're really talented! Your voice always puts me to sleep!"

(Y/N) raised her eyebrow. She definitely wasn't expecting THAT answer. Nicky quickly waved his hands, correcting himself. "I mean like, your voice is just so soothing and nice. Why do you think I wanted it for you to come over with your guitar whenever we would use the flashlights?"

"Ahh, so you're using me huh?" She laughed at Nicky's panicked face again. "I'm kidding! I get what you mean. Thanks, Nicky."

They approached the bulletin board with all the club names. (Y/N) instantly started looking for Dawn's name in the Soccer Team roster. "Harper...Harper...Harper, Dawn! She made it!"

"(L/N), (Y/N)!" Nicky cried out, his smile so wide as he approached his friend. "You were elected president for the glee club!"

"What?!" (Y/N) was so happy she squealed while she jumped up and down and hugged Nicky. Once she snapped out of it, she let go and continued jumping. "I can't believe it!"

"See? You're amazing! You managed to get be president!"

(Y/N) rubbed the back of her neck, trying to hide her blush. "Thank you, Nicky, I really appreciate it. Ooh, let's tell Dawn she got in!"

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