The Great Mullet Caper

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"Guys, I'm telling you!" (Y/N) protested. She'd just explained the news as soon as Mae and Dooley left the house. "It's just going to be a few gigs in neighboring states at a few more secluded locations. It's more of a road trip than a tour!"

"Did your mom book a bus and a bus driver?" Dawn asked excitedly.


"Then you're going on tour! You're gonna have concerts!"

(Y/N) laughed at seeing the quads so excited. "It's still not a full-out concert, I'm just gonna sing a few songs on stage for about an hour and call it a day. They're more like small gigs than concerts."

"Sweetie, this is wonderful news!" Anne had set down Squishy to hug (Y/N). "You're going to be amazing!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Harper!"

"How long is it gonna be?" Tom asked.

"About a month. I'll be going to ten states and I'll be staying for at least two days each! Mom and Dad said they wanted to have some family fun time as well. I release the days and locations tomorrow evening on my social media pages."

"Aww, well we'll surely miss you."

"What?" All quads looked up in shock.

"Aren't we going with her?" Nicky questioned.

"It's still a school month, guys!" Anne protested. "I'm sure Principal Tarian is gonna make an exception for (Y/N) but not for you guys!"

"Aw come on!" Dicky complained. "Are we really gonna let a few weeks of school get in the way of supporting our best friend?"

"You're on the verge of failing every class and tuition is expensive."

"Well, shoot."

Ricky smirked smugly. "Well, I have no problems with MY grades so I guess I'll be the only one going!"

"No you can't because you have to teach social science for the Student-Teacher Administration Program!" Tom exclaimed.

"Oh right I forgot about that! Mr. Williams chose me as his representative...!"

"Guess I'll have to represent the quads," Dawn said happily. "I AM the oldest."

"But you have three important games this coming month, Dawn," Anne explained. "Coach said she specifically wanted you as goalie for all of them."

"Dang it, coach!"

"Besides!" Nicky stepped forward and put an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders. "As the boyfriend, I should definitely be first in line to go!"

The other three groaned out, a bit annoyed. "Your boyfriend privileges are lame!" Dicky shot.

(Y/N) sighed and took Nicky's arm off her, hooking her own with his. "Nicky, if at least one of you can't go, then no one goes. I really want all of you guys to be there, but I guess it's not meant to be. Maybe in my next tour you'll be able to come."

"For that to happen you have to actually plan your tour in the summer," Ricky replied grumpily.

The girl reached over to pat his shoulder. "I'll do my best."

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