*Sleepover Symphonies*

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((It's another special episode!!))

The doorbell rang at the (L/N)s' house and (Y/N) bolted down the stairs. "I got it!"

"Not so fast young lady," (F/N) stood in front of the house entrance, his arms crossed. "Do you remember all the ground rules I told you?"

"No running, no jumping, no skipping, no frolicking, no screaming, no laughing too loud, no playing with knives too much, no hogging the bathroom, no eating too much junk food, no throwing up on Mom's clothes, no borrowing tools, no blasting music too loud, and absolutely no arguing under any circumstances." (Y/N) took a deep breath. "Dad we're not throwing a party!"

"With the events that are about to go down tonight, it sure may feel like it."

"It's one night!"

"That's what you said last year and you remember what happened!"

"We went over this a billion times already. You had them sign contracts!"

"You can never be too careful! You can never tell what goes on with these kids, they're evil!"

(F/N) finally opened the door to reveal the Harper quads. "Hey Mr. (L/N)," they greeted simultaneously.

"Good afternoon to you, little angels!" the man chirped, and (Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Come on in!"

The quads entered the house, carrying their duffel bags. "Hey guys!" (Y/N) said happily.

"I can't believe we're finally getting to have a sleepover for the first time in a year!" Dawn said excitedly. "And for two nights!"

"Yeah!" The five kids looked ready to jump in the air.

"Bup!" (F/N) held out his hand, making the kids stop.

"...yeah!" they whispered instead.

(M/N) finally entered the living room, chuckling. "Welcome, Harpers!"

"Hey there!" Tom greeted, and he and Anne also entered the house."Wow, it feels like such a long time since I was last here."

"Mr. Harper, you were here for dinner last weekend," (Y/N) deadpanned.

"Well...I mean like being here just for a moment to drop our kids over!"

"Now that the one year ban is lifted, we're really glad to be here!" Nicky exclaimed happily.

"Yeah!" Ricky agreed. "Thanks for giving us another chance, Mr. and Mrs. (L/N)."

"Well as our daughter's destructive best friends," (M/N) started. "We just had to pull some strings while also putting restrictions!"

"Still have to ask," Dicky began. "Were the restrictions really necessary?"

"You knocked over my mother's vase of ashes while fighting over a bag of corn chips."

Dicky shrugged. "Forgive and forget, am I right?"

Dawn quickly pushed her brother's face away. "WHAT HE MEANS IS we haven't forgotten about that and nothing major is going to happen this time."

"We won't allow it!" Nicky promised.

"Yes we've talked about what happens if the kids ever mess up again," Anne promised. "(Y/N) has always been allowed to sleep over at our place so now the quads will make sure they don't do anything so you have to prevent them from sleeping here. Right kids?"

The woman stooped to the four's level, pulling them closer and forcing her tone to be happy but still threatening. "Right," they replied meekly.

"We'll be fine, Mom, Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Harper!" (Y/N) promised the adults as she walked in between the quads. "There's lots to do here so the quads won't have to fight over anything here. Right?"

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