Ye Olde Hand Holde

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One day, the six friends were at the Get Sporty Cafe. (Y/N) walked towards the booth she, Mae, and the quads were sitting in, and Dawn stood so she could sit in between her and Mae. (Y/N) dropped the smoothies on the table triumphantly. "See? I told you guys I could carry six at once!"

"Yeah, 'cause that's so impressive," Ricky said jokingly. (Y/N) stuck her tongue out at him.

Nicky just chuckled and took his smoothie. "Thanks, love."

In a lower voice, Mae said, "It's still so guys are together!"

While Nicky and (Y/N) smiled at each other, Dicky groaned. "I know right? Almost six months later and it's still hard to believe Nicky got someone before I did."

"It HAS been six months," Nicky said proudly. "And it's been the best six months of my life so far." He reached out to take (Y/N)'s hand but Dawn suddenly slapped it away.

"And if you want to keep it like that you still have to keep hiding it!" she scolded. (Y/N) nodded sadly.

Ricky scoffed. "I mean, honestly, who's going to believe Nicky's with (Y/N)?"

"Hey!" the boy huffed, and (Y/N) just laughed.

Ricky suddenly started squeaking his straw up and down the cup, smiling at the noise. Nicky and Dicky then joined in, intrigued, and the girls just stared at them in annoyance.

"Stop it!" Dawn yelled, and the three boys stopped immediately. Even (Y/N) and Mae looked shocked. "Stop making such immature noises."

"But I was gonna try it," (Y/N) whined, and the blonde deadpanned at her.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a trumpet and everyone turned to see Anne and Tom by the cafe entrance. Tom unrolled a scroll and began to speak loudly, and in a Renaissance tone. "Hear ye! Hear ye! Ye Olde Tom's Get Sporty would like to invite one and all to the Tenth Annual Renaissance Faire." Tom rolled his tongue at the words. "As King and Queen..."

"Hello!" Anne waved.

"We shall rule thy fairgrounds with our loyal, royal dragon...Squishy Puffs." Squishy then came walking in with a dragon costume on, and barked, making everyone "awww" at him. He walked away with Anne and Tom.

"I'm so excited for the Ren Faire!" (Y/N) squealed. "It's the one day a year I can dress up as a princess and not get judged."

"Are you performing this year?" Mae questioned.

"Well, the mom-ager says I can do better. She's charging most of my performances now that people know me."

"I mean, that's show business for you," Ricky commented.

"Mr. and Mrs. Harper can only afford to book me one song with the Glee Club."

"Ooh, yay, (Y/N) and the Glee Club again!" Dawn chirped.

"Yeah, but after the new kids found out I was president, a whole lot more kids tried to sign up for the club, so there will only be a select few to perform."

"Still, it'd be cool to see you perform a small show like you used to," Nicky pointed out with a smile.

"Yeah, I kinda miss it too! I'm trying to convince my mom that it's still what I like doing. And to make it better, it's gonna be at the Ren Faire!"

"Ah, the Ren Faire, where we can eat with our hands, scratch whatever itches, and burp at will."

"Come on, let's practice," Dicky said. "Dawn, you be will."

All three boys burped in Dawn's face and the girls cringed. "Wow," (Y/N) deadpanned. "How very attractive." Nicky smiled awkwardly at her, feeling shy now.

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