To Be Invited or Not to Be

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One day, (Y/N) and the quads were at Get Sporty, watching Dicky attempt to flip seven bottles in a row on the store register. They didn't have anything better to do. (Y/N) was anxiously sipping a (fruit) smoothie as they watched him. "If he lands this, I'll wear a grass skirt and dance the hula," Nicky declared.

(Y/N) smirked. "Bet. I have them ready in your parents' office."

And so, Dicky threw a water bottle which landed perfectly beside the six other ones. He hooted and high-fived (Y/N). Dawn and Ricky also cheered as (Y/N) pushed her boyfriend into the office.

The two came out a bit later with Nicky wearing said skirt and even had coconuts on his chest. "I never said coconut bra," the boy grumbled. His siblings chuckled.

"Eh, it would look weird without it," Dicky said, grinning.

(Y/N) hugged the boy's neck from behind him. "I think you look good in it," she proclaimed, and Nicky smiled back.

Dawn crossed her arms as the four followed Dicky. "You know, one of these days one of us is gonna beat you and put YOU in a coconut bra," she insisted

"Nobody puts Dicky in a coconut bra," he declared.

"Well, I'd like to see all four of you in a coconut bra," (Y/N) joked, knocking on Nicky's. He jokingly gasped as he covered his bra with his hands. The girl giggled and handed him her drink. "Gotta hit the ladies' room. I'll be back!"

Nicky held her drink and smiled as he watched her leave. Ricky whistled as he leaned closer to him. "You guys have really been strong, huh Nicky?"

"I didn't think you'd last a year," Dicky admitted. "But you're just a few months left!"

"Rude," Nicky huffed, crossing his arms. "But thank you for noticing...(Y/N) and I have been great. We have our ups and downs but we get over them."

"That's great to know!" Dawn put an arm around her brother's arm. "Because you may be my brother, but if you dare hurt my- OUR best friend..." She lifted the coconut bra and released it, letting it slap on his chest as Nicky screeched in pain. Dicky and Ricky just nodded in agreement.

"DAWN! I know! I would never dare try to hurt her!" Nicky sighed deeply. "How could I ever?"

Suddenly, Anne and Tom approached the quads with a young girl with them. "Hey kids, we'd like you to meet someone!" Anne said.

"This is Simone," Tom introduced, gesturing to the girl. "She's shopping with her mom." He gestured to the woman on the other side of the store, who waved back.

"Hey, Simone!" the four greeted, smiling and waving.

The new girl began greeting each one of them. "Hello! Hey! Hi! Aloha!"

"Her family just moved here," Anne stated, rubbing Simone's back. The four said nothing. "She's about your age..." Still nothing.

"She doesn't know anybody," Tom mentioned, hoping they'd catch on.

"Don't rub it in her face, Dad," Dicky scolded.

"Hang in there kid," Ricky grinned.

"Bye!" Dawn waved, and the four walked off.

"Could you excuse us for a second, Simone?" Tom asked.

While Anne and Tom ran back to their children to scold them, Simone then noticed a certain someone coming back to the counter. She gasped as she ran over. "Oh my gosh!" she squealed. "You're (Y/N) (L/N)!"

The singer blinked as she looked over at the girl with the long hair. She must be new. "Yep, that's me!" she chuckled.

"I love your work! My favorite song of yours is Science and Faith."

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