Quad for Teacher

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(Y/N) and Dooley finally released a new music video for her channel! "I Love You, I Love You It's Disgusting" was a song that released since before the big dance last school year. But they only got to film during the summer. Dooley filmed (Y/N) strumming her ukulele in various places - her front yard, her backyard, the quads' place, Tom's Get Sporty, the country club, and more.

But the beauty of it all was that this is the first music video that Nicky was actually featured in. Thanks to Dooley's directing, they got a bunch of clips of (Y/N) and Nicky holding hands, hugging, staring into each other's eyes, and even just hanging out while laughing and having fun (there were even some clips of them playing with Mr. Fluffernutter). It gave off plenty of summer romance vibes that everyone loved.

Now that the kids of Edgewood were back in school, the students were hyped to see this music video of their fellow schoolmate kick off the year. It had about a million hits, trended on YouTube for a while, and Nicky may or may not have helped add a good amount of views to his girlfriend's video.

(Y/N)'s mother insisted that she skip school because she got way more gigs after that and had to prepare. But the girl didn't want to miss her first day of school. "I'll skip the next day," she joked, but also half telling the truth. "I mean, I want to skip too but I can't leave the quads alone." And on the way to school, Dawn had texted that Nicky wouldn't stop promoting her video - which made her very happy - and they were using it as an excuse to avoid P.E., which would be the class that she'd have to miss. But she still tried to make it so she could see her friends.

But, as soon as she entered the gym, she was shocked to see their teacher, Coach Fessler, on a wheeled stretcher, with the gym students and Principal Tarian surrounding him. "Who was responsible for this?" the man asked.

The coach, whow as holding his toupee, tried to point it at four familiar siblings. "It...was...the...Harp...!" But he blacked out and fell back into the stretcher, and he was pushed away. (Y/N) moved out of the way quickly.

"Baby!" Nicky was the first to notice her and ran over, tackling her in a hug.

"Of course you're the first to greet me," (Y/N) teased and hugged back. His other three siblings walked over to quickly hug her as well. "Sorry I missed class, what happened?"

"Right on time for you to come, (Y/N)," the principal said. "We were just figuring out what caused Coach Fessler's tragic fall."

Dawn chuckled nervously. "Well, you heard him Principal Tarian! It was the HARP."

"I knew we shouldn't have stored the band equipment in the gym."

"Well, can't just go around blaming music for this, right?" (Y/N) joked.

"Yes, well, of course, (Y/N), but in the meantime, you kids stay away from the harp while I call in for a substitute. I HOPE Mr. McGee is available."

As he was walking away, the class exploded, "PULL-UPS MCGEE?!" Suddenly it's like the whole class had a collective memory of two months earlier of the bulked-up P.E. teacher that was oddly addicted to pull-ups.

"We're never gonna survive Pull-Ups McGee!" Miles complained.

"First you gave us frittering and then you took it away!" Natlee accused.

"Wait, so they DID do something?" (Y/N) questioned.

"The Harpers had convinced Coach Fessler to just let us stop doing physical activity for the rest of the year and let us fritter our lives away. But while he was taking down the fitness banner, one of these two idiots-" Natlee jabbed an accusing thumb at the direction of Ricky and Dicky, who both looked away awkwardly. "-thought it was a good idea to strap rockets to a skateboard and get on it!"

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