The Secret

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(Y/N) did the usual routine whenever she went home: drop off her stuff and head to the Harpers.

"Hey guys--"

But, once she got there, she was greeted by a fish to the face.

"(Y/N)!" the quads exclaimed.

"Aah!" Tom grunted. "Jazz hands! I always fall for jazz hands."

(Y/N) held her hands out quickly so the fish could drop in her hands. She seemed unfazed. "Oh, you decided to finally tell her about the dead fish?"

"Goldie?" Dawn asked, staring at the dead fish, and then at (Y/N). "Wait, what do you mean dead fish?!"

"Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no," Tom walked over to Dawn, pushed (Y/N) towards the two boys, and quickly grabbed a bag hidden behind pillows. "Yes that is a dead fish but THIS is Goldie." He held up a bag with a fish - looking similar to the dead one - inside.

"Why is he in a bag?" Dawn asked, crossing her arms.

"I was just taking him for a walk. He likes to see the koi pond at the mall."


"Okay. I like to see the koi pond at the mall."


The man sighed. "Fine," The man gave in and pulled his daughter aside. "Listen sweetie, I have to tell you something. Goldie swam his last lap, kiddo. And I didn't want to upset you, so I was just trying to replace him before you got home."

"So, Goldie's really gone?"

"I forget, is this Goldie #7 or Goldie #8?" Dicky asked. (Y/N), Nicky, and Ricky smacked his arms.

"W-w-wait," Dawn stuttered. "Goldie's been gone before? Seven times?" Dawn asked, getting annoyed.

"Oh right, we're not supposed to tell Dawn about all the fish that we flushed," Dicky mumbled to the three. They gave him irritated gestures.

"W-W-Wait! You guys all knew about this? Since when?"

"Since Goldie #3," Ricky answered.

"Remember her?" Nicky smiled before his brothers sighed.

"Goldie #5 for me," (Y/N) said sheepishly. "I needed to use the bathroom and caught them using it too."

"I cannot believe you guys. How could you keep this a secret from me?" Dawn ran to the stairs, very upset

"Cause we didn't want you to feel bad," Nicky called out worriedly.

"And now you feel bad!" Dicky exclaimed. "So we were right!"

"At least we have Goldie #8, who'll live forever!" Tom tried to assure.

"Uh Dad," Ricky started, stepping forward. "We've got a floater."

Tom lifted the bag and sighed. "He never even got to see the koi pond."

"Can you guys just, not get fish?" (Y/N) asked. The Harper men pondered on the thought.


The boys, and (Y/N) walked into Get Sporty later that day, laughing together. They walked over to Dawn who was sitting by a table, drinking a smoothie.

"What are you chuckleheads laughing about?" Dawn demanded, setting her drink down. "Let me guess. It's a secret and you can't tell me."

"Oh no, it's not a secret," Ricky giggled while the other three tried to contain their laughter. "We were just laughing about how you didn't know about all those replacement Goldies!" The other three laughed again.

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