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Sorry this update took a while! I tried to find a way to make it not so boring. Unfortunately, I couldn't :')))) Hope u still enjoy tho!! Just look out for the cute Nicky x (Y/N) moments, you'll see them if you squint.


Today was supposed to be a free day. For once, (Y/N)'s mom wasn't nagging her about her YouTube channel or some charity event or someplace she'd booked for a gig. She'd finished all her errands, and she didn't have any new songs to write. She had the whole day to just be completely free. She could lay down in her bed and do nothing for all she cared.

But as soon as the (H/C)-haired girl entered her room, let her back hit her mattress, and close her eyes, her phone suddenly rang. (Y/N)'s (E/C) orbs shot open and she groaned.

Right. She forgot the quads.

"What," she grumbled when she answered, not even bothering to see the caller ID.

She could hear Dawn's yelp. "Whoa, called at a bad time?"

"Unless you and your brothers have a good reason to disturb me on a perfectly good Saturday - the ONLY PROPER rest day I've had in a while - so help me I will upload your baby pictures on FaceShack."

"Oh, then it IS important! 'Cause this is about FaceShack."

(Y/N) paused. "You need to get your priorities in order–"

"Come on, (Y/N)!" The girl heard Ricky's voice now. "We need you to take our picture!"

"Good lord."

"We need you to help us contribute to the Squadgoals hashtag!" Dicky's voice called out. "Head to the store ASAP!"

"Guys, I SWEAR–"

"Pleaseeee, love?" Nicky's voice pleaded.

(Y/N) hesitated for a long time. She could practically hear her best friends laughing maniacally, knowing they'd gotten to her.

"UGH fine!" (Y/N) shouted, hanging up. She didn't need to keep calling to hear the quads squeal in victory.

She grabbed her bag grumpily and headed out.


"You have got to be kidding me."

(Y/N) was scowling as she stared at her best friends, all standing on the stairs with helmets and life vests on as they held a large canoe. "Isn't it cool?" Dawn said excitedly.

"I can think of 50 other things to call what you're doing," (Y/N) deadpanned. "Like 'stupid', 'idiotic', 'something past-(Y/N) would do'. But 'cool'? Nowhere close."

"We just need ONE picture of us going down the stairs in the canoe," Ricky explained. "You can do that, right?"

"I CAN but will I DO it?"

"Come ON," Dicky rolled his eyes. "We take your pictures all the time!"

"Without my consent!"

"The point is!" Nicky waved a hand. "We'll be fine, baby, promise!"

"You sure?"

"I mean, no guarantee," Dawn admitted. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at her. "We'll do it quick!"

"Kiss for good luck?" Nicky asked, pouting. His girlfriend took a deep sigh and eventually kissed his lips happily.

"Ew," the other three quads cringed. Nicky just smirked at them.

And so the quads made their way up the stairs. (Y/N) positioned herself where she could get a good picture of the four. But in the two times they tried it, both times the canoe was sent flying right into the wall behind the cashier. (Y/N) had taken some pictures that the quads didn't like so they insisted on going for a third round, much to her dismay. At that moment, Mae came around.

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