What's the Worst That Quad Happen?

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((Shoutouts for the chapter!!


Disclaimer: this is a short chapter :') Only reason is 'cause I can't find a lot of Nicky x (Y/N) moments to be in this chapter ))

Anne sat cross-legged on their couch and Tom and Squishy both sat on either side of her. Both of their eyes were closed with peaceful smiles on their faces. "Sweet silence of a quad-less house," the man said.

His wife sighed happily. "I love it when the kids spend the weekend at your mother's."

"Oh, I wish it was a longer weekend."

But as they spoke, neither of them noticed their children standing by the doorframe, eyebrows raised. "Uh, hello?" Dawn called out.

"You know we're standing here, right?" Nicky asked.

Their parents paused, inhaling and exhaling deeply, before hurriedly standing up. "Hey kids!" Anne chirped. "Welcome home!"

"We missed you so much, these weekends are way too long," Tom scoffed.

"Guys!" (Y/N) ran into the living room, coming from the kitchen. "I missed you so much, the weekend was too long!"

All quads grinned happily, arms out to hug their best friend, but the singer ran straight towards Nicky, jumping into his arms. The boy happily lifted her and spun her once, but the other three just glared.

"It's always the favorites," Ricky grumbled.

(Y/N) laughed loudly and hugged him, then Dawn and Dicky. But then she turned back to Nicky, who put an arm around her waist. "We missed you too, baby," he said, nuzzling her head. The girl smiled.

"Woo-hooooo!" An old woman that was the quads' grandmother now entered the house.. She dropped her bags and smiled at Tom. "Tommy, Tommy, my little salami, get over here and hug your mommy!"

Tom chuckled nervously as he walked over and pressed his cheek against his mom's. "Uh-huh, I hate it when you call me your little salami...I'm a big salami now."

"Anybody else never want to eat salami again?" Dicky asked. The quads and (Y/N) nodded.

"Oh, look," That's when the old woman noticed the girl beside Nicky and went over. "If it isn't the beautiful Ms. (Y/N) (L/N)!" Nicky grinned in agreement as he looked at his blushing girlfriend. "Come here, my dear!"

"Hey there Grammy Harper!" (Y/N) chirped, walking over and giving her a quick hug.

Grammy examined her as she held her shoulders. "I listen to your songs all the time on the radio and I watch your videos whenever I can on my laptop!"

"That's so sweet, thank you! And I've been working on a new song and planning a music video soon, so I hope you can look forward to that!"

"Ooh, I can't wait! I still can't believe my grandson finally got you to like him back! I still remember back when you were younger and smaller, and he would always tell stories of the lovely songs you'd write and how pretty you looked while singing them–"

"OKAY GRAMMY!" Nicky said loudly, waving a hand between them to cut his grandmother off. (Y/N) was still smirking though. "That's TMI now."

Grammy Harper chuckled and looked at her son. "Thanks for letting me sleep over. You know I'm-I'm not the best driver in the dark. But in the day, people are always honking and waving at me."

"Oh yeah they're wavin' Grammy." (Y/N) chuckled as Nicky put an arm around her waist again.

"Well!" Ricky clapped his hands. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go make a deposit at my local branch." He grabbed a magazine off the coffee table and headed upstairs.

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