Sympathy for the (Y/N)

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!! make sure you read the ** Sympathy for the... ** chapter before this one! !!

This route is also a small reminder/PSA for everyone to take care of yourselves!!! If you feel like you're close or having burnout, it's definitely okay to take a step back every once in a while. Other people's mistakes are not your mistakes so don't ever feel obligated to take care of them.


"No, it's fine!" (Y/N) declared, standing up straight. "I can't let a little stress get to my head. Besides, we have cooking class together baby."

Nicky grinned and linked their arms together. "Yep. It's the only reason I like that class."


"You're right, who am I kidding." (Y/N) chuckled at him. "But you're one of the reasons I sprint to that class every day: just to see your face sooner."

"And yet, you're still late every day. Guess you don't sprint fast enough."

Nicky groaned loudly. "I do my best!"

"Well, you're gonna have to do better than your best if you don't want that detention," Dawn reminded.

"Frankly, I still think Mr. Wigglesworth is stupid for making you tardy just for being a second late," (Y/N) huffed, arms crossed. "You really should speak up or say something about it."

Nicky shrugged. "Well, no use sweating over it now."

"We better get going before we're ALL late to first-period class," Ricky reminded.

"Yeah," (Y/N) nodded. "Let's go!"

"Uh, (Y/N)?" Dawn asked. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Huh? Oh, right. So Nicky, good luck not getting detention, Dawn, good luck getting a solo, Ricky, good luck getting a good grade on your exam, Dicky, good luck not talking to Taylie."

Dicky gasped. "She knows us so well."

Dawn and Ricky just chuckled while Nicky petted his girlfriend's head. "No, love, she means you came here without anything."

That's only when (Y/N) realized she'd entered the Harper house emptyhanded and without her backpack. "Right! Brb!" She sprinted out the back door as the quads watched.

"Is she going to make it through the day?" Dawn asked nervously.

Ricky shrugged. "I give her two hours."

"Rude...let's make it one and a half."

"Guys, that's my girlfriend and our best friend," Nicky deadpanned.

Dicky shrugged. "30 minutes?"

Nicky stormed out of the kitchen with his siblings chuckling behind him.


Dawn, Ricky, and Dicky were walking down the halls and to their next classes. "Hey guys!" Dawn began. "Wish me luck. (Y/N) and I were at Glee club and Ms. Tassinari said she's gonna be giving out one more solo for the Spring Sing, right before (Y/N)'s solo! Maybe it'll be me."

"And maybe I aced my test," Ricky said hopefully.

"And maybe I'll think of something to talk to Taylie about," Dicky added.

"Maybe (Y/N) would also manage to get through the day."

"She's in her cooking class now, isn't she?"

"Yep," Dawn replied. "That means she should be with Nicky..."

As soon as she said that, the sound of metal hitting metal started ringing through the halls. Ricky sighed. "I know that clanging," he said.

"It's the 9:58 Boulder-dash."

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