New Kid on the Block

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Shoutout for the chapter: aa0754814 !!

I almost didn't like this episode, but I loved writing towards the end hehe


After Nicky told Ricky and Dicky all about what he saw, they decided to do the only natural thing: go to their bathroom and spy on them through a telescope. Dicky was doing just that as he gasped at the once-vacant house. "Whoa," he said.

Nicky, who had been eager to tell his brothers the news, tried to reach for the telescope. "Let me see."

"No, let me see!" Ricky snatched it and looked into it.

Dawn, who passed by the bathroom and saw them, stared. "What are you doing?"

The three boys gasped out. "Dawn, please, we're in the tub!"

"Yeah, a little privacy!" Nicky scolded, and pulled the shower curtain to cover them.

Their sister angrily pulled it back. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone to SPY on the neighbors," she hissed.

"Thank you," Dicky said, and pulled the curtain again.

And again, Dawn pulled it back. "You know, we're not supposed to be spying. The FBI was very clear! We're not even allowed to do it to the (L/N)s!"

"They were clear about the OLD neighbors," Nicky corrected. "They said nothing about the NEW neighbors."

"Wait, there's new neighbors?"

"Yeah, and they have a kid our age!" Ricky added.

"There's a kid our age?!" Dawn pushed her brothers to make room for herself in the tub and grabbed the telescope. "Out of my way!" She looked into the telescope and gasped when she saw the new girl. "Whoa... You know what this means?"

"Oh yeah," the boys chimed.

"Gentlemen, we have been waiting for this moment our entire lives. This girl is our ticket to finally getting inside..."

"The treehouse!"

"I can't wait to tell (Y/N)!" Nicky said excitedly.

"Wait..." Dawn squinted her eyes. "No need! She already knows!"

Nicky took the telescope and saw the new girl was coming down from her treehouse to greet the (L/N)s! (Y/N) was there was well, a big grin on her face. Nicky just smiled at her.


At the new neighbors' place, (Y/N) looked up at the new girl coming down from her treehouse. She gave a warm smile as the girl came down and stood bye her parents' sides. "Hi!" she greeted. "I'm Syd!"

"I'm (Y/N)!" the (H/C)-haired girl chirped and held a hand out.

Syd shook it and then she gasped. "Oh my gosh! You're (Y/N) (L/N)!"

(M/N) beamed proudly and patted her daughter's shoulder. "Yep, that's her!"

"I can't believe I'm neighbors with you!"

(Y/N) just grinned. "Well, you are, and now you're neighbors with a girl who brought you chocolate pie!" She held it out, and Syd's dad took it gratefully. "It's my best friend's recipe. Who's a great baker and is also your neighbor!"

"We really appreciate the warm welcome," Syd's mother said.

"We look forward to seeing you around more!" (F/N) put in.

"Yes! And hopefully, Syd can hang out with (Y/N) more so she can have a good influence in her life!"

"Oh, I'm not the best influence either," (Y/N) admitted, laughing. "I can't wait for you to meet my best friends. Like I said, they're neighbors too. And you know we've been admiring this treehouse for a long time. It's cool that someone already owns it!"

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