The Mighty Quad-Squad

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((Shoutout for the chapter: Queen_Aleezah ! THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS QUEEN <3

and here's a second shoutout for dracomalfoysimp78893 cuz u just caught up congrats! :DDD))

Get Sporty was crowded with kids because it was hosting its first party. "Aw, look at the kids," Dawn awed as the children were running around the store. "All excited for Get Sporty's first superhero birthday party."

"Aw, so cute," Ricky gushed as well. "They actually wish they had superpowers."

"You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Dicky asked.

"Yeah. I totally wish I had superpowers."

"Yeah," Nicky agreed.

"Me too," Dawn added.

"Same," (Y/N) set down the smoothie she'd been drinking.

"If I was a superhero, I'd be all jacked with super-strength," Dicky said.

"If I was a superhero, I'd have super speed," Dawn added.

"My superpower would be to fly," Nicky exclaimed.

"I'd like to have a supersonic screech that can break anything and deafen my enemies," (Y/N) said thoughtfully, rubbing her hands together. She imagined her superhero costume to be a (favorite color) bodysuit with (first initial) on the chest. The quads looked at her in concern.

"I'd be able to manipulate people with my mind!" Ricky chirped. "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself..."

"Anyone else think superhero Ricky is a jerk?" Dicky asked. They all held their hands up, and Ricky just shrugged with a smirk.

Anne appeared out of nowhere and approached the kids, feigning a gasp. "Oh my goodness! Are you all here for the party?"

"Yeah!" all the kids answered.

"Wow, there's so many of you! How will I host all by myself?" In a dramatic voice, she called out, "Help! Heeeelp!"

The smoke machine activated behind Anne, and Tom waved it away to reveal himself in a costume. "Have no fear, lady citizen!" he declared. "I'll make sure that birthday boy Stevie and all his friends have the most fun ever! "Because I am the amazing Sporty Man!" All the kids cheered. "Thank you!" But then, Tom stepped forward and tripped on his cape, crashing into the birthday gifts. "Sporty Man down..."

"Anybody else see that coming?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah," Dawn said while cringing.

"Totally," Nicky put in.

"Mhm," (Y/N) also winced.

"I"m just glad Dad wasn't here to see it," Dicky stated.

They all looked at him with confused expressions. "That IS your Dad," (Y/N) pointed out.

"No way, Dad isn't that clumsy-- Oh wait." The others nodded and stood to walk over to the party.

"Tom are you okay?" Anne asked, helping him up.

"Oh, my ankle!" Tom whined. "No matter." He still chose to stand. "Oh, that"s my other ankle!" The man fell back on the floor pathetically.

"Stevie, if your party doesn't pick up, I'm taking my present back," One of the kids threatened.

"Rude," (Y/N) huffed and crossed her arms.

"Tom, I can handle the party," Anne whispered and stood up. "Okay, everybody! Why don't we head into the party room?" Anne picked up a gift, forcing a laugh, as everyone followed.

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