Diary of an Angry Quad

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((Shoutouts for the chapter:



I see yall commenting and voting so thank you!! ))

(Y/N) entered her room one day, after a shower. She spent the morning helping her dad make the new balcony just like he'd wanted. It felt like such a long time, but he promised it'd be ready soon. (Y/N) helped put some pieces together but (F/N) told her to go back inside and let him take over. She had to meet up with Dawn and Mae today anyway.

As soon as she entered her room, she got a text message from Dawn: Come over quick before I murder my brothers

She was going to text back when she also got a call on her phone, almost at the same time. It was from Ricky. She picked it up as she dried her hair. "Hello?"


(Y/N) recoiled, putting her phone away from her ear as three voices screamed at her. She let out a loud sigh, hung up, and prepared to head to the Harpers.


The girl went up the stairs to the second floor and was shocked to see the boys on the floor, all tied up in sports bras. (Y/N) put a hand on her hip. "Do I wanna know what happened?"

"Dawn got mad," Ricky whimpered.

"You were in her room again, weren't you?"

"Yeah, we were trying to find her diary," Dicky admitted.

"What?!" (Y/N) glared at the boys. "Did you go through her closet and just decide to play with her sports bras?!"

"We didn't know!" Nicky protested. "I thought they were workout bands! Never would have guessed they were bras, I mean yours are bigger."

(Y/N)'s face suddenly went red hot. "WHAT did you say?!"

Ricky and Dicky glanced over at their brother, who froze up the moment the words spilled from his mouth and was now stuttering and struggling to keep speaking. "I-I-I don't- I-I didn't mean- I don't know what they look like I'm only assuming-"

"Based on what assumption?!" (Y/N) stepped back, folding her arms over her chest.


"Nicky's a weirdo, but Dicky and I aren't, please help us!" Ricky cried out quickly.

"Save us, please!" Dicky begged as he wiggled frantically.

(Y/N) avoided looking Nicky in the eyes as she helped Ricky and Dicky get out of the sports bras. She collected them and glared down at Nicky, her eyes squinted. Nicky gulped nervously. "I'm sorry."

The girl was merciless as she helped him out, and the bra snapped in his face. "OW!" he yelped, and the two other boys laughed. They stopped when (Y/N) picked up the bra and glared at him.

"Stay out of Dawn's room!" she shouted. "And don't go looking for her diary!"

She entered said room, slamming the door. The Ickys glanced at each other. "We're totally still gonna do it," Ricky stated.

When (Y/N) entered Dawn's room, she handed her bras over to the girl on her bed. "My brothers are so annoying," Dawn grumbled, taking them.

"And I think one of them is a pervert but we're not going there," (Y/N) huffed and plopped on the bed as well.

Dawn blinked but shook her head. "I wish there was a way to teach them a lesson. They're definitely going to try and find my diary again."

"If only they could get freaked out over your diary the way they freaked out over your bras."

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