** Sympathy for the... **

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**Sympathy for...**

 "So let me get this straight," (F/N) said thoughtfully. "(Y/N) will be training with you for a few months, three hours, every day a week after school, and she'll have to work on a brand new album filled with her old songs and some new ones. If it gets approved, then she'll be eligible for a record label contract and become a full-time artist working under your company?"

"That is correct," Raine replied cheerfully. "We've seen so much potential in (Y/N) and I would like to fully manage her. B.C.E. is excited about working with her too. Of course, she'll have liberty but things will be much stricter now if she wants to really make it big. And since our recording label isn't the most well-known yet, if (Y/N) becomes successful, then she can also promote our company more so we can help pave the way for more artists that hope to make it big too."

"That sounds lovely," (M/N) nodded with a smile. She looked over at her still-speechless daughter. "But of course, it's all up to (Y/N). This decision is a life-changing opportunity, after all."

"I understand it could take some time for you to make a decision. But I am confident in becoming (Y/N)'s manager and helping her throughout this journey. I believe her first album will go off without a hitch."

Dawn squealed and shook (Y/N)'s shoulders. "Come on, (Y/N)! Your mom is right, this is a life-changing opportunity!"

"Hold on, Dawn, it's going to be difficult," Ricky protested. "I mean we always knew our best friend would be an international star one day BUT now she has to do vocal training, songwriting and PIANO lessons too? That's too much for a 7th grader!"

"I mean, if anyone can do it, our girl can," Nicky nodded at his girlfriend with a proud smile. "As you said, we always knew she was going to shine one day!"

"But who's going to stop us from making bad decisions now that she'll be even more unavailable?" Dicky asked.

Dawn glared. "Hello? That's something we need to control ourselves!"

Suddenly, the quads burst into an argument, their voices overlapping one another as they shouted at each other, and Anne and Tom just sighed loudly. Raine smiled politely. "Does this happen often?" they asked.

"Way more than you think," Anne said dryly.

Tom chuckled nervously. "Yeah, welcome to the quad world."

"S T O P!" Everyone froze when they looked at (Y/N), who looked very much irritable. "It's MY life, remember? I decide what's best for me to do!"

Ricky raised his hands in defense. "Right. Sorry."

"I'm not, I'm still worried," Dicky frowned.

(F/N) took his daughter's hand. "We're so proud of you (Y/N)! you used to be so shy about writing songs but now you're gonna be paid to write them."

"Yes, we're very blessed that this happened to you," (M/N) gushed, and (Y/N) smiled. "But, remember, we don't have to do this right now..."

(Y/N) hesitated for a bit then shook her head. "No," she replied. "This is the sign I've been waiting for. I always knew being on hiatus wasn't for me." She grinned at her best friends, who all looked hopeful. "Time to get back to performing."

"Yes!" the quads cheered, taking turns hugging her, and Nicky gave her a swift, sweet kiss on her lips.

"Excellent!" Raine clapped their hands together and stood. "Ms. (Y/N) (L/N), the Bard Coven is ecstatic to have you onboard. We're so excited to see what you have in store for us."

(Y/N) reached for Raine's outstretched hand and shook it firmly. "So do I!" she chirped.


A week had passed since then, and therefore (Y/N) had already experienced five training sessions. She was absolutely exhausted already from spending five three-hour sessions with vocal training and learning the piano while also doing her schoolwork, having club activities, and writing a new song. She had an idea of a fun, powerful, and upbeat melody, but no idea of the lyrics yet. She was struggling so much, plus the commute from her house to the studio was 45 minutes long, so she was exhausted and ended up taking all night.

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