Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and BeyDawncé

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As stated in the last chapter, Nickelodeon made the mistake of airing this third, but this should be the second episode! So here u go! Enjoyyy



The new kids of Boulder Academy were adjusting surprisingly well, almost as much as they did at Rothschild Prep. They loved their classes and they loved their schoolmates. Nicky, Ricky, and Dicky were exiting a classroom now with happy smiles on their faces.

"Alright guys, I'm just gonna say it," Nicky declared, as they walked down their hall. "I am loving Boulder Academy."

"I'm just gonna say it," Dicky put in. "I am loving our Uman behavior class."

"And I'm just gonna say it!" Ricky said loudly. "It's HUMAN. Human. With an H."

"Oh yeah? Then why does my book say uman?"

"'Cause your thumb is over the H," Nicky stated.

Dicky moved his thumb and checked. "Ohh. I guess that explains my Ath, Eography, and Panish classes."

The brunette quad rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'm pumped that we're taking this class. It's Psychology-related, which gives me an idea of what to talk about with (Y/N)'s mom!"

"Why are you worried about talking with Mrs. (L/N)?" Ricky questioned.

"Well...not gonna lie, ever since the Fourth of July - which I know feels like forever ago - there's still some kind of tension between us."

"Is it because she was willing to make (Y/N) drop your relationship so she could have a better future?" Dicky asked aloud.

Nicky seemed to wince at that and Ricky gave the taller quad a fake smile. "Thank you for reminding him about that," he said sarcastically.

"You're welcome!"

"But it's been months since then!" Nicky said defensively. "She's probably not thinking that anymore! Though, I can't be too sure."

"Don't worry," Ricky reassured. "I'm sure Mrs. (L/N) doesn't think of you that way."

"I sure hope so. It's NOT good if I can't get along with my girlfriend's parents," Nicky shuddered a bit. "That's why finding a topic that we can both share is one step closer to fixing this connection between us!"

"Whiiich brings us to said topic! So, where are we going to find a human to study for our human behavior project? We're supposed to observe someone with issues and help them overcome them."

As they were speaking, their sister was walking down the same hallway with her new soccer friends. She'd been loving her new soccer team ever since she'd gotten in ("Good thing there are no weird and mean traditions here," (Y/N) had noted). She handed one of the girls her soccer ball. "Here, I'll catch up with you guys later," she told them. Her two friends walked away and she walked towards a certain room.

(Y/N) happened to be inside because it was the Glee Club's room. Mrs. Tassinari was inside, heading the vocal warmups. Since (Y/N) was now dubbed the co-captain, she stood beside Brooklyn in the circle, as the members all sang "A-E-I-O-Uuuuu..." The (H/C)-haired girl looked to the side, saw her best friends, and waved as she sang. Dawn waved back a bit sadly. She didn't see her brothers were also behind her, and waved back at the girl. Nicky blew her a flying kiss and she pretended to catch it.

Then, the boy furrowed his brows when he noticed his sister. "Hey guys, check out Dawn," he pointed out. Ricky and Dicky followed his gaze to see the oldest quad staring at the Glee Club with a rather dreamy look on her face.

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