Three Men and A (Y/N)

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Three Men and A (Y/N)

!! make sure you read the ** Three Men and A... ** chapter before this one !!

"I kinda wanna do it," (Y/N) admitted. "My dad's a doctor, and we used to play Doctor and Nurse when I was younger. It's kinda silly but I wanna do this for him."

Mae gushed. "Awww, sure (Y/N)! It's no biggie, I understand."

"Alright, listing down (Y/N) (L/N) as assistant nurse... Now, who would like to assist Ms. Bing?"

"Ooh, the music teacher?" Mae asked excitedly and raised her hand. "Me! I want to talk to her about including rap in her lesson plans."

"I don't know if I'll allow that but alright!" Principal Tarian went on to say the other roles, and students raised their hands.

She faced forward and just listened to Principal Tarian continue the assignments. After a while, he finally finished. "Alright! That's all for the assignments! Assistant Week starts next Monday. Good luck, children!"

The bell then rang, and it was time for the day to end.


Later in the weekend, (Y/N) and the quads found out about Anne's trip to visit her mother, which meant she wasn't going to be around for a few days. She was going to leave just when Assistant Week starts, so when Monday morning came around, (Y/N) hurried over to the Harpers and was relieved to see Anne was still there.

"Hi Mrs. Harper!" she greeted. "I just wanted to wish you goodbye!"

"Oh, (Y/N), that's so sweet, thank you!" Anne walked forward to hug the girl. "I'm going to miss you too."

"You're going to miss me being an assistant nurse for Assistant Week!"

"Oh, honey, that's amazing! Your father would be so proud. But he'd be proud of you no matter what," Anne patted her head with a smile. "Now, as a nurse, you're gonna need to help Dawn keep an eye on the boys in case anyone gets hurt, okay?"

"I'll do my best, Mrs. Harper," (Y/N) glanced over at the kitchen and her eyes widened. The boys were somehow tied up in what seemed to be Dicky's custodian keyring. "Oh, my--"

"Yes, I have my work cut out for myself," Dawn said with a sigh.

Suddenly, a car honked outside. "Well, I'm late for my bus now, so bye you two!" Anne hugged the girls as they said goodbyes and I love yous, and Anne headed out the door. "Don't make things worse!"

Once Anne was gone, (Y/N) turned to Dawn. "You gonna help your family?"

"Unfortunately, I have to, if we wanna get to school."

The two girls then went into the kitchen, untangling the men.


"And that's the medicine cabinet!" Nurse Allison said. She smiled at (Y/N) politely. "Any questions?"

"Nope, I'm good!" (Y/N) smiled. "So I can tend to some students by myself, right?"

"Yes! Just remember to be kind and be patient, and let the kids know things will be okay."

"Alright, I'll try."

"No, you must! That is the essence of being a nurse," Nurse Allison smiled. "I'm going to be in my office, just tell me if you need anything!"

"I'll tell you if there are any emergencies!"

All of a sudden, Nicky came bursting into the clinic. (Y/N) whirled to him, he was wearing a hairnet that Judy gave him, and (Y/N) instantly thought he looked cute in it.

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