Quadcodile Dundee

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Get ready to be emotional! 

Or not idk


The Harpers found out that they would be getting an exchange student living in their house for a while now. They said his name was Britt and he'd be coming from Australia. Although (Y/N) never would admit it, she thought the Harpers accepting to be his host family was a poor decision considering how "the Harper house was already full and loud enough."

"I wonder why they didn't just make my family host him?" she had wondered. "Well frankly, why couldn't it have been ANYONE?"

"Principal Noonan said that since Britt is an only child, he might appreciate lots of brothers and a sister to get used to," Ricky had explained.

Nicky then smiled bitterly. "Not to mention my girlfriend is an upcoming superstar and I'd be extremely jealous if she was left alone with another dude."

"Oh, Nicky, please," (Y/N) seemed to laugh at the notion.

Dicky just shrugged. "No, no. His feelings are valid."

Dawn sighed. "Just let him be reassured. I'm sure he'll be fine with us anyway!"

The day they picked up Britt from the airport, the Harpers were all ecstatic to welcome him in. (Y/N) didn't join them in picking him up, but she was right outside their house when the car pulled up to the garage.

"(Y/N)!" Nicky, of course, was the first to get out and hug her. "Good thing you made it! This is Britt!"

A rather tall and built curly-haired boy stepped out of the car with his luggage in his hand. He had the biggest smile that (Y/N) had ever seen on a person. He gazed at the Harper house and the others surrounding it. "So this is an American house on an American street!" he chirped.

"Hi Britt!" (Y/N) exclaimed, stepping forward. "Welcome to the neighborhood! I hope you had a safe flight!

Nicky patted her shoulder. "Britt, this is our best friend and my girlfriend–"

"(Y/N) (L/N)!" Britt gasped.

"Haha, that never gets old..."

Britt stepped forward and shook her hand vigorously. "Ya'll never said you were best friends with THE (Y/N) (L/N) the internet star!"

"You know we did it a lot at first," Ricky mentioned. "But now..." He hesitated. "Actually he's right, why DIDN'T we mention it?"

The Australian boy grinned. "All Nicky did mention was that he had a lovely girlfriend and I guess he was telling the truth!"

"Awww," (Y/N) chuckled. "That's me. I'm lovely."

"Britt, do you need help getting that bag?" Anne got out of the car along with Tom, Dawn, and Dicky.

"I'm alrighty Mrs. Harper!" he chirped. "Don't trouble yourself!"

He took his luggage and rolled it up onto the front porch. (Y/N) leaned in closer to Dawn. "Is he always this chirpy?" she asked.

"I hope not," Dawn sighed.

Britt entered the Harper house and looked around in awe. "Sweet crib ya'll got!" he complimented.

"Thanks! We'll show you to your room, Britt!" Ricky said excitedly. They started climbing up the stairs.

"Do you guys even have an extra room?" (Y/N) questioned.

"We managed to make space in our attic," Nicky explained. "And Mom and Dad had an extra bedframe there so we set it up."

"Wow. Britt just got here and he's already getting hand-me-downs. Really part of the family."

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