Piggy, Piggy, Piggy, and Dawn

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((This is just a small shameless plug to check out the playlist for this book! You'll get an idea of which songs will be featured next :D))

"Alright! Puppet role-call! Nicky!"





"How's it goin?"

(Y/N) clapped politely as she sat on the couch and watched them. "Looks like the gang's all here!"

The quads revealed themselves from the puppet theater and grinned at their friend. "Yep!" Dawn exclaimed. "Alright, everyone! Welcome to the opening day of puppet season! Now I don't know about you but I am SICK of coming in second place at the school talent show every year!"

"Me too," Nicky replied.

"I HATE losing to Pete Tibbles!" Dicky said in annoyance.

"Me too!"

"Just because Pete Tibbles and fit his whole fist in his mouth! How's that a talent? I mean anyone can," But, when Dicky tried, he grunted when he realized he couldn't. "Wow! Tibbles got SKILLS!"

"Well it's still a stupid skill," (Y/N) retorted.

"You must be pretty bitter too, huh (Y/N)?" Ricky teased. "You always come in third place every year too."

"Well, puppet shows and fitting fists in mouths seem to please the audience more!"

"I think we all agree we hate losing to Pete Tibbles."

"Tibbles..." Nicky, Dicky, and Dawn sat down as they glared at the name.

"But I've got some good news! His hands grew over the summer! AND he got braces!"

"So his hand doesn't fit?!" Dicky said excitedly.

"Like stuffing a bowling ball in a tube sock."

"Yes!" Nicky exclaimed. "That means we're gonna win! And (Y/N), you might get second place!"

"Hey!" (Y/N) glared. "I have a good chance of winning first place!"

"No offense, (Y/N), we love you," Dawn began, holding her hands up. "But the crowd would be more 'wow'ed by you if you didn't just stand there and sing."

"How many times have we stated that I have a fear of dancing? When I get up on stage, the happiness I get when singing goes away as soon as I think of dancing! My feet freeze up and everything!"

"(Y/N), we've seen you dance! Girl, you've got talent but you don't use it! But this is a TALENT show. If you have any chance of getting ANY place, you need to stand out!"

The girl just sighed as the boys all nodded. "You're right. I gotta figure something out."

"Don't worry, we'll help you!" Nicky chirped.

"We will?" Dicky asked. "Dude, what do we know about dancing?"

"Nothing but we can try to help (Y/N) here get over her fear!"

(Y/N) beamed happily. "Thanks, Nicky!"

"Good luck with your own thing, (Y/N), but for us quads," Dawn stood. "It doesn't matter who we're up against! 'The Pigs' a second-place show! That's why this year we should finally do..." She drummed her hands against the table and did jazz hands. "...'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'!"

Nicky stood from his seat on the couch beside (Y/N). "But we've been perfecting 'The Pigs' for three years! Why would we change now? This is our year!"

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