Family Matters

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"Hey Mae!"

"(Y/N)!" The black-haired girl opened the door to find her friend and hugged her before ushering her inside. "Come in! Is Dawn with you?"

"Uh, no," (Y/N) smiled apologetically. "It's Saturday. She's got family game night."

"Again?" Mae frowned. "She always has game nights on Saturdays!"

"Well it's the only time she gets to spend with her family."

"I bet she's sick of it. I'm gonna call her right now to ask if she can cancel this one time."

Mae started walking to her kitchen and picking up her phone. (Y/N) trailed after her. "I'm not sure that's a good idea..."

"I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Harper will understand!" So Mae dialed the Harper house, set it to speakerphone, and waited for Dawn to pick up.

"Hey Mae!" Dawn's voice chimed.

"Hey girl! (Y/N)'s here with me. She said you can't come over?"

"Yeah, it's so annoying. What are you guys gonna do?"

"It's Mae-ke Your Own Pizza Night!" (Y/N) put in. She glanced at the table prepped with pizza dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and all the toppings you can think of. "Mr. and Mrs. Valentine went all out tonight!"

"Aw what?!" They could hear Dawn groan. "Geez, I wish I could be there..."

"Try asking your parents if you can come over!" Mae suggested. "Maybe they'll cancel game night?"

"Or not " (Y/N) added.

"Highly doubt," Dawn sighed. "But I'll see. Have fun girls."

The two hung up and glanced over at each other. "Might as well get this pizza night started!" Mae chirped. (Y/N) clapped her hands.


At the Harper house, there were board games stacked on top of each other on the living room table. The three boys were sitting on the couch when Dawn entered the room, groaning.

"Great. Family game night ruins another Saturday. Mae just invited me over for Mae-ke Your Own Pizza night. That's when you make pizza at Mae's." Dawn chuckled but her brothers didn't. "I'm so sure (Y/N) is going to cut her pepperonis to make hearts and litter them all around her pizza, but I can't go to see it."

"That's nice," Nicky commented, imaging (Y/N) doing so.

"Well, we want to go to movie night at Connor's," Ricky started.

"That's when we go watch movies," Dicky added. "At Connor's."

"Okay!" Dawn began. "We all have things we'd rather do, so tonight's the night. We got to tell Mom and Dad we don't want to do game night anymore."


That night, (Y/N) did in fact have a blast cutting her pepperoni to make little red hearts while also topping her pizza with lots of (favorite pizza toppings). She and Mae had so much fun laughing and chatting. They even had a little karaoke segment where (Y/N) and Mae sang some songs and competed for best score (somehow Mae won most of them).

It was up until (Y/N) had to walk home at a late hour when they'd gotten texts from Dawn. Sorry, was all she typed.

"Better luck next week?" Mae asked hopefully. (Y/N) just frowned.


Sometime that week at Get Sporty, (Y/N) was with the quads again, and they'd explained how they were on the hunt for an adult couple that could match their parents' competitiveness and eagerness to do game night.

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