Sweet Foot Rides

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((Shoutout for the chapter: dracomalfoysimp78893 !! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Always love ur comments HAHA))

((Also, bumping again the playlist in the story description cuz I arranged songs again hehe))

The three quad boys and (Y/N) were doing their homework on a cafe table. "Anyone got any sweets, I'm starving," (Y/N) groaned.

"We're literally at a cafe," Ricky deadpanned.

"I'd rather not pay."

Nicky rolled his eyes playfully. "Here, I got some cookies I made last night."

"You already gave her a batch!" Dicky complained. "I wanted some."

"It's not like you ate any!"

"Sure I did! I ate one this morning and I was gonna save the rest."

"Well, (Y/N) - who appreciates my baking - can have some of the rest!" Nicky proudly handed (Y/N) a tupperware of cookies to which he beamed happily and took it.

"Thanks, Nicky!" When (Y/N) ate a cookie, Dicky reached over and got one as well.

"I guess it's a race to see who finishes them, then!"

(Y/N) smirked. "You're on."

"Guys!" Dawn excitedly ran over to the four before Dicky and (Y/N) could have their contest. "Peyton Pittman just posted his jet is about to fly over the store!" She then ran off to the store entrance.

Nicky gasped. "No way!" he exclaimed. "Who's Peyton Pittman?"

"Super rich, super smart, super gorgeous," (Y/N) beamed. Nicky wrinkled his nose at that.

"Young hotshot tech billionaire," Ricky stated matter-of-factly.

"International ladies man," Dicky added.

"Basically me with money," Ricky and Dicky said at the same time. They looked at each other and scoffed with raised eyebrows. "You wish. No, you wish! Stop saying what I'm saying!" The two argued, they paused and suddenly stood up. "Jambalaya! Pants! Tractor face!"

"Whoa..." the four said in awe.

"Guys, hurry up!" Dawn called out.

"I heard the inside of his jet is wallpapered with money," Ricky mentioned as he was walking over.

"I heard the outside is covered in gold," Dicky added as they looked up.

"It can't be covered in gold," Nicky protested. They all looked upwards as the jet flew over

They were in awe at the sight before the gold light briefly hit their eyes and they yelled out. But they instantly went back to being in awe. "Oooooh."

"The legends are true," Ricky grinned.

"I wish I was stupid rich like that," Nicky agreed.

"If I was stupid rich, I'd buy an island," Dawn fantasized.

"I'd buy two islands," Dicky put in.

"Why do you need two islands?" Ricky asked.

"I'm gonna need a vacation island. A dude's gotta relax," Dicky nodded and turned to (Y/N). "What's it like being rich, huh (Y/N)?"

The girl raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Are you serious? You've known me my whole life to know I'm not that rich."

"Well you're still richer than us," Ricky stated. "You could buy most things you want."

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