Odd Quad Out

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((Shoutout for the chapter: kichiyuu_  ! Thanks for voting every chapter hehe))

Ever since (Y/N) found out that quadruplets did a yearly commercial for a tire store called Honest Abe's Tires, she insisted on coming to watch the quads film. Back when they were little, (Y/N) used to be so happy that she actually made friends with quadruplets. She thought it was so cool and rare to find them. Of course, as they got older, she saw some pains in being friends with them but their bond was too strong to be broken. She was still proud of things they did together, and doing the commercial was something she thought was really fun and cute.

"You make songs and music videos that are beloved across the globe," Dawn once said. "And yet you think that us doing some lame commercial every year is cool?"

(Y/N) had shrugged. "Hey. I celebrate my best friends' wins as if they are my own."

And thus, she was at Honest Abe's Tires again, snapping pics of the four in their Abraham Lincoln costumes, which have been adjusted for the quads over the years. Anne was also gushing at her dear children. "Aw, look at you kids!" she said. "I can't believe you've been the face of Honest Abe's Tires for 12 years."

"And I can't believe I've witnessed you being the face of Honest Abe's Tires for a two-third of that time!" (Y/N) chirped.

"I know right!" Anne hugged Ricky, and (Y/N) took another pic on her phone. "You're growing up so fast!"

"She knows the beards are fake, right?" Dicky asked. (Y/N) chuckled and took another pic.

"And you know you can stop taking pictures now, right?" Dawn huffed. "We do the same thing every year!"

"But you look so cute in those commercials!" (Y/N) protested.

"And you look cute in anything," Nicky pointed out. (Y/N) smirked at him playfully. "And leave her alone, Dawn, she just likes taking pictures."

"Yeah! One day we're gonna look at all these pictures we take while we're young and remember all the good memories that come behind it."

"And again," Ricky said. "We've been doing it every year. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of memories to go around."

"But we just love when you do this commercial!" Anne rubbed (Y/N)'s arm and started walking away.

"Us too!" the quads chimed.

"I hate it when we shoot this commercial!" Ricky hissed.

"My beard is itchy," Nicky complained.

"I'm a girl," Dawn protested. "I don't even get why I HAVE a beard!"

"I don't get why we keep doing this dumb commercial," Dicky also said.

"Because Mom loves it, and Dad gets free tires," Ricky explained.

(Y/N) sighed as she walked over to Nicky, scratching his chin. The boy smiled at her as she spoke. "Come on guys, I know every year you say you hate it, but every year you get publicity.."

"Except no one else has ever called to ask to do a commercial with us."

"Well, sad but true. I mean, there's not many other companies that need quads."

"But what's the connection between us and tires?" Dicky asked.

"It's because..." Ricky pulled out a piece of paper that had their advertisement script. "'We're the Harper Quadruplets. And like the four of us, the cars of a tire are the same age...'"

"And work in perfect harmony," the four groaned out. (Y/N) sighed.

"It's the same lame script every year," Nicky complained.

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