Quad With a Blog

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There was a new cafe down the street and the quads and (Y/N) were all lined up for it. The singer was standing with the boys because Nicky promised he'd buy her one of the bestsellers. The two were still trying to hide their relationship, but it didn't stop each other from doing sweet little things in secret. They were just talking with Ricky and Dicky about the food when they overheard Anne and Tom walking up to the line.

"Dawn, what are you guys doing?" Anne asked, walking over to Mae, Dawn, and Natlee.

"We're in line for Captain Feldy's cafe down the street," Dawn replied.

Tom gasped. "You're cheating on our cafe?"

"Do (Y/N) and your brothers know?" Anne asked.

"Oh, we know!" The boys and (Y/N) poked out their heads from further down the line.

The Harper couple gasped. "All of you?" Tom asked, walking over to them. Tom gasped again when he noticed Brianna and Trey as well. "And all your friends--" In a lower voice, he added, "After all the free smoothies I gave you kids!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Anne walked to her husband. "You give them free smoothies?"

"I just want them to like me, Anne!"

"Sorry Mom and Dad," Dawn apologized. "But everybody's been going to Captain Feldeys cafe ever since Gourmet Guy gave him a rave review on his food blog!"

"His rating scale goes from a meh to four 'Oh mys'," Dicky added. Nicky also held four fingers up.

"And he just gave Captain Felde's 3 and a half Oh mys!" Ricky held up his phone and Tom grabbed it.

"I still kind of don't get why people really like Gourmet Guy," (Y/N) admitted while her arms crossed. "He seems too overrated."

"You think so?" Dicky asked.

Nicky seemed to gasp at that. "Well he's very good at what he does! He seems to know what he's doing."

"Yeah but, I think you're a better critic as you are a chef," She smiled at him but he looked confused.


"No! You're a really good chef, Nicky. I bet if Gourmet Guy tasted your food he'd give FIVE Oh Mys!"

"You think so?" The boy grinned. "Thanks, (Y/N)," Nicky reached out to give her a side hug, but they both quickly pulled away when they felt eyes on them. They both cleared their throats. "So, about Captain Feldy's..."

Anne and Tom gave each other a side-eyed glance, but then Tom went back to checking Ricky's phone. "How did they get 3 and a half oh mys?"

"Their new signature dish: the burgerito," Dawn said. "A burger in a burrito on a bun."

"Wow, how did they come up with that?"

"They did customer research," Ricky stated.

"Well, how do you know?" Anne asked

"Cause we were the customers they researched!"

"I mean, no wonder our only customer is an old lady stealing sugar packets!" Everyone glanced over to, surprisingly, see said old lady playing tug-of-war with Lucy.

"Why does she need sugar anyway," (Y/N) murmured.

"Maybe the cafe just needs some new ideas," Dawn suggested.

"Yeah, you could always check the suggestion box," Ricky reminded

"Hey, good thinking!" Tom exclaimed and started walking to the counter. "I forgot about this thing. It must be 12 years old." He took the said suggestion box and blew off a lot of dust off the top.

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