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((Shoutout for the chapter:



Emilyh1002 !!))

((and fun fact, my real name is Emily xD

and disclaimer: this episode is kiiinda bboring except for maybe one scene, but its still important. im more excited for the next episode tho hehe))

There were many times (Y/N) felt bad for the quads for making mistakes they regretted. And every year, they always lost a certain bobsled race because, for the past three years, one of the quads would always mess up the race for them. So every year she tried to do what she could to help the four siblings try to do better the next year. (Y/N) held the timer while Mae held a giant fan towards the quads who were in their Get Sport sled suits and in the bobsled simulator.

"Lean left!" Dawn instructed, and her brothers obeyed. "Now right! And...finish line!"

The simulator ended, and Mae turned the fan off. "Good fake run!" Mae exclaimed and looked over at (Y/N)'s shoulder. "That was record fake time!"

"Yeah! Fake awesome!" the boys exclaimed.

"Fake congrats guys!" (Y/N) chirped.

"Fake thanks!" Nicky exclaimed, grinning.

"Okay, one of you needs a real mint," Dawn complained. "Okay, who had a breakfast tuna melt?"

"That was me," the three boys answered, and their sister gagged.

Mae set down the giant fan and the quads got out of the simulation sled. "Well, the bigger problem is our lefts still need work," Ricky started. "In order to maximize speed, we need to be totally in sync."

"True," Dawn agreed.

"You guys were pretty good though," (Y/N) commented, shrugging.

"Thanks, (Y/N)," Nicky said, rubbing her shoulder. "But we COULD do better. I mean, you agree right?"

"Well, I dunno, I can never really tell the difference after the past three years."

"...Ouch," Dicky pouted.

"You know if one of you is out of sync, I could always jump in." Mae offered. "People do consider me the fifth quad."

"Who does?" Ricky asked


"Isn't (Y/N) more of the fifth quad?"

"Ew," Nicky scoffed. The quads and (Y/N) all whirled towards him, while Mae looked at him in confusion. Nicky also realized his mistake and coughed. "Uh...I stepped in gum..." He pretended to wipe his foot on the side of the counter. (Y/N) closed her eyes and reminded herself to slap him later. The boy now sat on the counter while the girl leaned on it beside him. "But we don't consider (Y/N) the fifth quad!"

"Because we have established that quad is four and a fifth quad is weird," (Y/N) said quickly before her boyfriend could say more.

Mae nodded in understanding but shrugged. "Nah. I'm still the fifth quad. You can be the sixth quad, (Y/N)!"

"M-Mae no--"

"You can step in if I'm filling in for one of them!"

"Nah, I'd...rather not?"

"Look, it's good to know you have our back, Mae," Dawn said. "But this year we are a well-oiled machine. Nothing's gonna stop us from winning."

"How can you be so sure?" Mae asked.

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