*The Time Traveler's Quads*

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!!Warning: Cursing and SLIGHT OOC-ness!!

((it's a kid's show i have to make the guy OOC just a bit))

Sooooo HAPPY TUA DAY!!! ANDDD HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO STEAL YOUR HEART!!! I honestly didn't think I wouldn't be done yet with this fic in a year, but life had other plans I guess :'))) In fact, I didn't think I'd write this episode before! and now, ive been looking forward to posting this special episode :D i reallllyyyy hope u  guysenjoy it!


I can only apologize if some things don't make sense but I'll get to fixing it if ever


The past month has easily been one of the best months of the quads' lives.

Just as promised, the Harper quads left with (Y/N) and her parents the day after the Fourth of July and they've been having a blast. Now that (Y/N) was actually traveling with her best friends, suddenly leaving one city for the next one made things sadder. But, at least they got a bigger bus this time so spending time together on the road also felt awesome.

One thing that felt off, though, was that despite spending 24/7 together, they weren't able to spend so much time together ALONE. Neither would say the spark was rarely there, but it was definitely difficult to find time for themselves when (Y/N)'s parents and Nicky's siblings were always close nearby (they HAD to be because they were in new cities everyday and had to be careful).

The couple tried not to mind it, and it ended up becoming a topic neither of them brought up, ever. Finally, the group arrived in front of their hotel, The Crowne Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Ricky was the first to step out of the bus to breathe in that fresh air.

"New city, endless possibilities!" he proclaimed.

Dawn was the next to come out, gagging a bit. "Can the first possibility to get as far away from Dicky as possible?" she groaned.

The said boy stepped out next, rolling his eyes. "I just wanted ONE Fletcher's Corny Dog on the way here. You're the one that wanted a burping contest!"

"It's the other way around! I'M the one who wanted that corndog and YOU'RE the one who stole it and wanted a burping contest!"

"Geez, can't you let the little things go, Dawn?"

Before the girl could explode, (Y/N) hopped out immediately and held her shoulders firmly to calm her down. "Whoa, whoa!" she exclaimed. "We just got here in Texas, don't want anyone's horses to get riled up now, right?"

Nicky now stepped off the bus and put an arm around his girlfriend's waist. "Yeah, don't make things harder for my baby," he demanded.

"Yes 'cause I'm one city away from considering dropping you guys off four other different cities."

Yes, (Y/N) was having fun with her quad best friends and they were having the best time. But quadruplets on a bus for three weeks straight? Not a good mix. (Y/N) always had to stop them from arguing, fighting, the occasional hair-pulling. She wondered how Anne and Tom must deal with things for the past 13 years...

"We promise to behave this time!" Dawn said, holding a hand up. "There's so much to do in a new city!"

"She's right!" (F/N) said happily, as he and (M/N) finally stepped out of the bus. "A lot of history went on here. There were a lot of Black Lives movements here, the assassination of JFK, and you can learn all about them!

"...I meant FUN things to do in a new city." The man frowned at the blonde girl.

(Y/N) chuckled. "I'd love to hear all about those things, Dad. But first things first: check-in and then check out the Dallas Arts District. After that, the quads can go around doing what they want to do."

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