The Quad-Plex

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"Sorry kids," (F/N) apologized. The quads tried to visit (Y/N) the next morning and were surprised that she actually didn't want to talk to them. She'd ignored the flashlights, the calls, the texts. And even when they went to her house, she still didn't want to go out and talk to them.

"Do you know when she'd want to see us again?" Nicky asked.

(M/N) smiled apologetically and patted the boy's shoulder. "We'd be sure to tell you four when that happens. In the meantime...I'm afraid (Y/N) just doesn't want to be seen in public."

"We've been fighting off the press for the past 24 hours," (F/N) sighed. "Just be lucky you guys don't have to deal with all the questions."

Maybe they didn't have to, but aside from her newfound fame after releasing her song, they were also the reason (Y/N) was being questioned more about her "love for Nicky Harper". The quads only nodded as (M/N) smiled sadly.

"Don't worry, kids," she said. "Everything will be okay. Just give (Y/N) some time."

"Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. (L/N)," Dicky said.

The couple closed the door and the quads began walking home. "Nicky, I thought you liked her!" Ricky was the first to shout.

"Yeah, Nicky!" Dawn exclaimed. "I was so sure you liked her back! Why didn't you tell her you like her back?! DO you even like her back?!"

"I do!" Nicky replied frantically, and a bit annoyed. "I mean...I think I do--"

"You THINK?!"

"Look, everything was happening so fast...and I didn't know what to do or say...if I told her I liked her, she wouldn't believe me. She would have just thought I was doing it because everyone was watching."

"OR," Dicky put in. "She could have just believed you?"

"It's complicated!" Nicky walked forward to face his three siblings. "I didn't want to say I liked her that way. Not with everyone watching."

"But we're losing our best friend at the cost of that," Dawn said sadly. Ricky and Dicky hung their heads.

"We're not losing her," Nicky insisted, but even he questioned what was coming out of his mouth. "Let's just...listen to her mom. Let's give her time."


A week has passed since then. The quads were seated at tables in Get Sporty, and were accompanied by a bunch of their friends, including Natlee, Mack, and Oscar. They were hanging out and drinking smoothies when Tom approached them, asking, "So, what do you kids think of the new Thirsty Wars smoothie menu?"

"I think it's a shameless attempt to make money off the new Hungry Wars movie that's coming out this weekend," Ricky stated honestly.

"And you would be correct," Tom bent down to whisper. "That's why you're taking over the family business someday."

The boy began to stand up proudly. "You know, I do have some ideas-"

"I said someday," Tom pushed his son's shoulder, making him sit back down.

"Oh, I see you named a smoothie after Ganderk the Great," Dawn looked at her father and smiled.

"Who's Ganderk the Great?" Natlee asked.

"Only the most powerful Gnome fairy in all of Gardenia!"

"And maybe the entire Middle Universe?" Mack added

"And THEIR favorite Hungry Wars character," Nicky pointed out.

Dawn just grinned and turned to her dad. "Oh, two Ganderk the Grape smoothies, please."

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