The Sad Tail of Gary-Chip-Tiny Elvis-Squishy Paws

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"I noticed something," Ricky announced, as he, Dicky, Nicky, and (Y/N) walked up to the cafe counter. Dawn was there, holding their dog, looking nervous.

"I noticed something too," Nicky agreed. (Y/N) then realized the collar on the dog.

"Oooh," she murmured.

"Me too," Dicky stepped forward. "Mom and Dad totally redid the cafe!"

"We're talking about the dog tag," Ricky explained. "It better say his name is Chip!"

"You mean Tiny Elvis?" Dicky asked.

Nicky rolled his eyes. "The tag SHOULD say Gary."

"The tag should have a restraining order," (Y/N) murmured, going up to the counter to sit.

Dawn stood up with the dog. "Too late fellas, the tag has spoken. His name is Squishy Paws."

The quads began shouting again and (Y/N) sighed, leaning her head on her hand. Josie was trying to calm them down.

"Guys? Guys! Guys! All your arguing is upsetting him!" The dog was staring up at the quads, frozen. "Look, he's even doing his sad tail thing." True enough, the dog did what he usually did when he's sad and put his tail between his legs, whimpering as well.

"Josie's right," Ricky agreed. "All this arguing's upsetting...CHIP!"

"Josie prepare me a strong shake this is gonna be a long one," (Y/N) muttered.

The quads instantly erupted into an argument once Dawn set the dog down. Josie got to work on making (Y/N)'s drink, eager to drown out the noise. (Y/N) went down to pet the dog, fluffing his ears. But the dog suddenly straightened and barked.

"What is it, boy?" (Y/N) asked.

The dog looked at her, barked again, and stepped onto a skateboard. (Y/N) gasped, looked around, and picked up one of the golf clubs that were around. She crept around, watched the dog jump on a trampoline, and tackle a big man with a beard. The man was horrified when the dog pounced on his face and pinned him to the ground. Before the man could grab him and throw him off his chest, (Y/N) lept to action as well.

"HA!" Using the club, she held it by the man's throat. This made him gasp, especially when the dog bared its teeth and claws. "Don't move! He's a biter!"

"Get this mutt and child off me!" the man shrieked.

That's when the quads ran over. "Everyone!" (Y/N) was shouting, her club still at the man's throat. "This dog caught the Boulder Bandit!"

"Squishy Paws is a hero!" Dawn cried out.

"Chip's a hero!" Ricky corrected.

"Good job, Tiny Elvis!" Dicky praised.

Nicky jumped and said, "The hero is a Gary!"

People in the store began cheering. Tom kneeled down by the bandit. "Looks like someone's having a..." He removed his sunglasses. "Ruff day." (Y/N) rolled her eyes when he poked himself in the eye and screamed.

The dog continued to bark at the dog. "Good pup," the girl beside him laughed.


They gathered at the Harper house that evening to watch the news report on the dog. Josie, Connor, and Liv were even there. (Y/N) was on the floor with Nicky, rubbing the dog's belly. Dawn entered the house with a big basket full of dog toys.

"Squishy," she began. "Before you watch yourself on the news, look! Someone sent you a dozen long-stemmed boneses!"

(Y/N) smiled. "That would be from my parents. Highly disappointed he's not a cat but doesn't mean they don't support. They'll be watching the news back at my home but I wanted to be here."

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