One Quadzy Summer

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"You girls ready?" (Y/N) asked, straightening her skirt.

"You bet!" Mae chirped, taking her bag.

"Totally," Dawn agreed, getting off her bed. "I am so ready to start this summer right and just focus on having a fun summer job with my girls!"

(Y/N) smiled apologetically. "Really sorry you and Joey didn't work out."

"Eh, it's fine, really. Not our fault his parents got all salty and moved again."

"Who knows, maybe you'll meet again one day?" Mae offered.

"Hopefully! But yeah, let's just actually forget all about boys and just have fun earning money."

The three girls laughed and headed downstairs. They entered the kitchen to find Nicky, Ricky, and Dicky lazily sitting by the kitchen table. They looked like they'd been there for a while.

"Hello boys," Dawn greeted, as she, (Y/N), and Mae walked into the kitchen.

"Hey babe," Nicky said, his face lighting up as he only noticed his girlfriend. His three siblings rolled their eyes, and (Y/N) only laughed when she kissed the top of his head. "Why are you dressed up?"

"Didn't I tell you?" (Y/N) asked. "It's today."

Dawn beamed. "You're looking at the three girls who're about to have...the best summer ever."

"Us, too," Dicky said. "As soon as we get a longer grabber."

"While you guys are sitting around, wasting your summer, Mae, (Y/N), and I will be making money from our fun, new jobs."

"At the only man-made beach in Colorado!" Mae exclaimed.

"We're working at the Boulderly Hills Country Club Kids only Beach club!"

"Oh right!" Nicky snapped his fingers, remembering.

"The B. H. C. C. K. O. B. C?" Ricky asked with enthusiasm.

"You bet your B. U. T. T," Dawn smirked. And when we aren't working, we get to use the wave pool, beach volleyball courts, get manis..."

"Pedis," Mae added.

"Mani-pedis!" the two girls squealed together. (Y/N) just shook her head and chuckled.

"Why do YOU have to work, (Y/N)?" Ricky asked.

"I don't," she replied. "I was invited multiple times to just perform but Mom always said no. Said it's not good for my image, and that I could waste my time with better things."

"She's stopping you from doing a lot of things lately," Dicky commented.

(Y/N) scoffed and stuck her hands in her pockets. "Yeah, I have no idea why she's suddenly so controlling over my schedule. But it's an excuse to hang out with Dawn and Mae. Plus, I can expand my exposure AND earn a bit more money."

"See?" Mae said, smirking. "Even (Y/N)'s being productive this summer."

"Wow," Nicky smiled, reaching out to then kiss her hand. (Y/N) grinned. "You guys are real go-getters."

"Yeah," Dicky added. "I've got a fun job for you go-getters. How about you go get us some food?"

Dawn smiled sarcastically. "Happy to!" She walked over to the kitchen counter, picked up a bag of chips, and placed it on the edge of the table that was out of their reach. The boys all groaned and (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"You get it," Dicky sighed.

"YOU get it," Ricky complained.

"No, you get it!" Nicky huffed.

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