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"I'll keep in touch and I'll be back soon. I didn't plan to stay this long, I have some things to take care of in school" Tristan explained to Angel who was currently at the airport with him. "Besides it's like a 7 hours flight to California. We'll see, I promise that'' He assured her and she finally smiled. "Don't worry. I know the road to his room. He won't escape this time around" Nathan joked and she laughed. "Thank you"
"Call me" she said and they hugged. She and Nathan watched his flight leave and they returned to their normal lives.

It's been three days since Tristan left and although they don't speak every second of the day, they kept in touch. School was as usual as every other day for Tristan.
"Chop! Chop! Gather around" Mrs. Joan claps her hands and the students gather around in their seats.
"As you all know, every year we host a huge play that brings the spotlight on some of our brightest students. Although you're all amazing" she smiled. "The plays help the casts to have their first thirst at the real and outside art. You get to know what game and spotlight feels like..." they all stare at her dreamily as she waves her hands dramatically. "....this year's play is The Dark maiden." She hands them the first two pages of the scripts each. "Practice and be ready for the audition by Monday." They all glanced through the papers in their hands. "The selection will be made and rehearsals will commence as soon as possible. Now chop! chop!" She sends them away and the students start murmuring to one another. It was a huge play and only comes once a year.

The play is about a maiden who isn't after love but power in order to overthrow the wicked Queen that was currently making life difficult for everyone in the kingdom. She finds a dark power in a forbidden forest and becomes strong enough to overthrow the queen. When she finally has the chance, she doesn't follow the rules of imprisoning the evil Queen, instead, she beheads her and takes over the throne and inherits her powers too. Then was hence feared as she becomes wicked herself because of the overwhelming power within her but she falls in love with the prince from the neighboring kingdom, whose duty is to kill the queen and take over the throne but instead, they fall in love, he made her a king queen and the kingdom was once a happy land and rule together in harmony.

Angel, who is determined to get the role, was really happy to be given this opportunity and is determined to take the lead role as Tala. Whoever gets the lead gets to act the path, the lead role is opened to both boys and girls. The characters will be arranged suitably for either a Queen or a King.
She reads the papers attentively in her room when a knock brings everyone's attention to the door. Zhilan and Clarissa were not auditioning for the main part, all they want is to play their parts in the play. Clarissa as the costume designer and Zhilan as the pioneer. She has a talent in playing different instruments that one might think it's sorcery.
They were all rehearsing when they heard the knock again and Angel lazily stood up to get the door. To her greatest surprise it was her Mother. "Mom?" She sounded surprised. Her mom swung her hands over her and hugged her very tight. "I can't breathe" Angel struggles to speak. She quickly let go."oh I've missed you darling" she sings "What are you doing here?" Angel shoots. "Well thank you very much I miss you too mom, come in" Her mom stated in an obvious way. Angel rolled her eyes. "Well come in" she says anyways. Her mom smiled regardless. "Welcome" Zhilan greeted "Uh Hello" Clarissa added and she smiled at the both of them. "You must be Clarissa, I didn't meet you the last time I came here" her mom smiles. "You mean the only time you came here?" Angel scoffed.
"Well, I came here for a business with a client and thought I should check on my lovely daughter," she replied, not caring what Angel said. "Wow! You should've at least lied and said you actually came here to see me" Angel sounded hurt. Her mom didn't know what to say. "Uh do you care for anything?" Zhilan quickly interrupts to lighten the room. "Oh don't worry. I'm heading back home tomorrow. My flight is 8am, I should probably get going" she walked over to Angel who was folding her hands and hugged her. She sent kisses to the girls and she left, not even up to an hour and she was gone.
The girls could tell Angel was sad right now and they wanted to cheer her up.
"Come on. Let's play dress up and yes you can do my makeup" Clarissa rolled her eyes. "You mean it? Yes!" Angel screams. She's been asking Clarissa to let her do her makeup but she never agreed and even though she knew this was meant to cheer her up it was working greatly. She sat Clarissa down on the chair and faced her to the mirror. "Uh, second thoughts. Let's just get coffee instead. Bills on me" Clarissa tried to escape. "No! We're doing this" Angel attacked and she quickly sat. "Dear God....." Clarissa exclaimed. They laughed and started talking about other things that included how Nathan and Clarissa behaved on the night of the play. "Hell no, I don't like him one bit" Clarissa defended. "Yeah. You don't" Zhilan replied sarcastically.
The makeup session was fun and ended after three good hours. "Wow! Not bad. I am so proud of you" Clarissa examined her look in the mirror. "Well I learned from the best," Angel replied. "Indeed" Clarissa proclaimed and Zhilan rolled her eyes before shaking her head. "Well, this look will not be wasted. We're going out for a drink" Clarissa gestured to her face and they cheered.
She was able to distract herself from thinking about her mom and thanks to her friends they made it very easy for them. Her parents visited her once in her first year and her mom hasn't visited since that time. Her dad came twice on New Year's Day baring gifts for her, while her mom always has an excuse not to show up.

They all came out and performed the part for the leading role. Some were like comedies, hard not to laugh at. Others were very keen and good.
Finally, it was her turn. She gets on the stage and clears her throat. She saw her friends cheering for her silently from the audience and that made her feel a lot better. She says her line perfectly and with the right expressions. Mrs. Joan could not hide her excitement as she was smiling ear to ear.
After the auditions the names of those that got a part was called and the rest were told to try again next time.
"....and finally, the lead role is Angel McCurdy. Congratulations! You will be playing the role of Tala. You will all get your scripts tomorrow and begin rehearsals immediately. Clarissa darling, you have full access to the wardrobe plus Channel here, is here to help." She gestured to one of the students that seemed excited to be helping Clarissa. Clarissa smiled warmly at her. Everyone knew Clarissa was going to be the costume designer all they were waiting for was just the announcement.
"Oh my God. I can't believe it" She chirps "well I can. Have you met you?" Zhilan compliments and they do a funny dance routine in celebration of the roles they got.
Since Tristan returned to school it has been overly stressful for him. They were approaching their final exams which meant things were transitioning into a new system. Tristan is currently handling a project that involves the school and if this project the turns out good then next year he'll have the opportunity to get a contract immediately he graduates and this will be a huge contract that'll create a name for himself and change his life completely. The contract will open doors to other amazing opportunities.
Tristan stood in front of the whole class and gave his presentation. The audience applauded for him and he was very proud.
"Tristan? A moment please" the professor called out as the rest of them made their ways out of the class.
"You're a really bright student. Do not let yourself get distracted or at least till you get this contract" he says to Tristan. "Yes sir. I don't know what I'd have done if it weren't for you. Thank you for seeing someone great in me and helping me realize this big opportunity" he meant every word. "You're welcome," he replied. They have a conversation before Tristan leaves the class.

"Have you told Tristan about this yet?" Zhilan asked over her shoulders as she trimmed her hair. Angel just shakes her head. "Why?" Zhilan asked again and she just shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, we didn't see each other for almost 4 years and suddenly he's here, I'm here and I don't want us to be all over the place yet. I don't even know if he's coming back or not"
"How can you say that? After the moment you guys had? That's not true" Zhilan argued. Angel sighed. "To be honest, I'm just scared. I mean I told him I won't let anything come in between us again and I don't know if I can actually do that! What if something g..." she stops to catch her breath. Zhilan dropped her scissors and moved close to her. "That's the whole point of love. Fighting! You have to fight for someone you really care about, sometimes that is all it takes, risks" she placed her hands on her laps.
Clarissa who was in the bathroom finally steps outside and meets them having a heart to heart conversation. "When I first told my parents I found love here in the U. S. They went crazy, saying I should return to Korea. They felt like dating a white guy isn't good for me but I made sure they realized that this is what I wanted" she continued "I told my parents I wasn't coming back, I am staying here and I'm bringing Peter to them. At first I was scared because what if I say all this and they're right in the end? What if Peter isn't good for me truly? But I went on with it with fate and looked where it got us" she smiled, Clarissa and Angel smiled back. "After getting to know him they actually really like him and regretted telling me not to be with him at first. All it took was me standing up to my parents and proving that our love was worth the risk" she finished with a warm smile.
"I've never had a friend like you guys. I didn't have anyone to talk to back then or someone to support me. Thank you two for coming into my life guys. I don't know what I'd have done if not for you guys" she cried. "Aw thank you too. It was awkward for us at first. A black girl and a Korean girl together, but guess what? We realized we were better together than apart. So we're here for you. Go get your man, be with him. Show him you want this" Clarissa added. "Don't let your mom control your life. It doesn't sound good and sure as hell won't end well" Clarissa said and they all laughed. Clarissa dragged them into a hug. "Ew, you're wet," Angel laughs. "Yes ah, that's what you get for being a roommate with a hot girl like me. So take that" she jokes and they laugh again.
Angel felt family amongst them. They always had a way of making her smile, they always knew what to say and sometimes when she thinks of who she used to be in high school, she wonders if she truly deserves such great friends but they quickly make her realize that they're all lucky to have one another.

She picks her phone and dialed Tristan's number.

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