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It's been four months after graduation, Angel is currently working on her first movie and Tristan is killing the business deals.
Today is indeed a special day for everyone. As it is their wedding day.

Clarissa flew in with Angel's gown and it was as if she picked it from a fairy tale movie.
She designed it herself from London. Zhilan is present here too.
"I can't believe you're getting married too. Y'all leaving me in the streets? That's betrayal" Clarissa jokes, as she does Angel's makeup.
"Nathan is still here," Zhilan says. Winking at her.
"Not saying he isn't. But I'm not getting married yet. I just don't like to be the only unmarried one here. But on the bright side, in two years or even a year's time....you'll both be ugly with a big stomach and unnecessary mood swings so uh....I'm good" she jokes and they all laughed. "Well, I might already be on that train" Zhilan replies and they both look at her, then to her stomach.
They make an O shape with their mouths and eyes wide open. "You're....." Angel trails, pointing her fingers at Zhilan's stomach. She nods rapidly and happily. "Yesss" she replied. "Oh my God!!!" Clarissa sings and then starts dancing. "Wow! I am so happy for you!" Angel hugged her and then Clarissa joined.
Someone cleared their throats from behind Clarissa and they quickly turned to see who it was. Nathan comes in and kisses Clarissa.
"Wow! You look really beautiful" he compliments Angel's look.
"Thank you," Angel replied with a warm smile. "It's almost time, are you ready?" Nathan asks and they all nodded like lizards. Nathan laughed and walked outside.
Angel was dressed in white and ready to walk down the aisle.
She looked absolutely gorgeous.

Few minutes later her mom walked in with her dad. They hugged and her mom started crying. "I can't believe my baby is getting married" She cried. "Come on mom....you're gonna make me cry and ruin my makeup" Angel replied. Her mom chuckles and hugs her. "No, it's fine. You look wonderful" she kissed Angel on her forehead and her dad the same.

The both of them walked her down the aisle with each of them by her side.
As the sound of the music played in the background, her eyes landed on Tristan and she looked at him dreamily.


I can't believe I am actually getting married to Tristan. Not after all we've been through. Who would've thought that a high school love could actually lead to this. With everything that has happened, I feel absolutely lucky to have him by my side.
I am lucky to be called his wife.


She looks absolutely heavenly and breathtaking. Wow! I actually went from being her bodyguard to being her husband. All I want to do is love her the right way and make sure she doesn't regret even one bit about the decision she made. This is "Our Story" and I can't wait to tell them to the beautiful kids we'll have together.


After their vows, they were asked to kiss.
As they sealed their marriage with a kiss, the crowd cheered and cheered.


The end!

Wait! Before you go........Check out my other book "THE CONTRACT" I'm very sure you'll love it.
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