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It was Sunday morning, Tristan and Jamie were already done packing the things they'll be needing before another Sunday. They would return home most of the weekends to take and drop some things. They planned.

Excited and also nervous. They were riding to Angel's house, unaware of who this girl Tristan has to guard still is but he looked forward to meeting her.

Angel was too lazy to wake up, her phone was ringing, and "who could it be, calling her at 9 in the morning" she thought to herself. Grunting annoyingly she stood up to answer the call. Seeing the caller ID it was Bill, her boyfriend. Rolling her eyes and getting more annoyed, she answered

"What?" She said without even allowing him to utter a word yet.

"I'm sorry I guess you're still in bed" Bill said rolling his eyes, knowing he doesn't want to do this either.

"What?" this time Angel was pissed, she really wanted to get back to sleeping

"Why are you calling me so early on a Sunday morning?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to Tyler's party tonight, his parents are off and he's throwing this huge party, and he invited us. So you're gonna be my plus one, I'll pick you up by 7. Don't be late"

"That sounded like you're summoning me, I'll let you know if I want to go. Bye" and with that she ended the call.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" She said to herself.

Laying back in bed she heard the doorbell rang.

She got up and walked down the stairs to get a glimpse of who it was, she lean on the wall and pushed her head out in the corner

It was the mysterious guy from school. What is he doing here?

Tristan was quite calm, and he seemed confident. Shortly Angel's mother walked up to him and welcomed him

"Welcome Tristan, is this your brother?" She asked, looking at Jamie. Who smiled and nodded

"My name's Jamie"

After the greetings were exchanged, Angel's mom walked them to their room. Which was separate. And she left.

Angel couldn't believe her eyes, the mysterious guy was her new bodyguard.


She walked up hurriedly to her room to wash up and come down.

Tristan was surprised the room was this big and beautiful. They must be pretty rich, he thought. He started to bring out his things from his bag. When he heard a knock. Standing up and walking to the door. It was a girl, she was dressed like a maid.

"Mr. McCurdy will like to have a word with you" she said smiling at him. He raised his eyebrows and smiled back.

"Okay" he followed her down and on his way he saw another room close to his, he wondered whose room that was unaware that it was Angel's room. Their rooms were close, Angel's parents thought he should be close since he's her bodyguard.

Angel and her parents were standing close to the white limo they were going to travel with, with the maids around. Tristan walked to them, and he smiled and greeted them.

"Good day Sir" and he turned to the Mom, nodding his head "Ma'am" then he saw Angel. She looked familiar, he thought but couldn't place where he knew her.

"Thanks Tristan. This is my daughter, Angel" she gestured to her. Angel didn't seem to care, "Angel? Tristan, your new bodyguard. He'll be with you twenty four seven, till we return. The maids are all going for vacation, except for Katherine. She started late so she'll be here to help with the cooking, the cleaners will come every morning and when they are done they'll leave. So I want you to be good. Don't stay out too late and don't be rude to Tristan and his brother. We're leaving now, and in a month's time we'll be back. You're going on a school holiday by Tuesday, so you'll be at home and again be good" she explained.

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