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"What the hell do you want from me?" Angel shouted, she couldn't see anything because she was blindfolded. With no clue whatsoever of where she is and that made her scared.

One of the guys watching over her didn't even make a move, he just stood by the door with a gun in his hand, facing Angel and making sure to keep an eye on her.

In an abandoned building was where they were kept. Angel was tied to a chair, her arms backward, her legs tied to each of the front legs of the chair.

Jamie was tied too, his mouth tied, his legs and hands combined and tied together on the floor.

"Well well well, look who we got here" someone said entering the room they were kept.

His footsteps coming closer to Angel who couldn't see anything, she just moved her body, trying to adjust maybe well enough to actually help herself, either losing the tie or being able to see but none worked.

"Angel the spoilt brat" the voice said, and this time close enough that his breath hit Angel and she realized the speaker was a smoker. His breath reeks of the smell of cigarette and that made her want to puke.

He grabbed her chin, so hard it made her winced at the pain he was causing, grabbing the piece of cloth used to cover her sight, he jerked it off her and that caused another pain. She adjusted her eyes to the brightness of the room, before she could see who it was. She finally realized who it was, it was that guy from the beach, the one that wanted to cause trouble, the guy that knew her name and gave them warnings. Who the hell is he? She thought inside.

"You don't recognize me do you?" He said and just then a chair was brought to him, and he sat on it and faced Angel.

"Who are you and what the freaking hell do you want from me" she shouted at him with disgust.

"You see I'm a very patient person Angel" he said gently but gradually getting angry, tilting his head both side

"But when I get angry I can really be bad" he shouts the rest of the words.

Making Angel shout out of fear, and this time she was actually scared.

"You don't remember me, but I can remember everything perfectly. I'm Aiden, the kid that you ruined his life, you made me the laughing stock of High Ville. I did your homework, I tailed you everywhere, I wanted you to notice me and know how much I liked you but what did you do? You disgraced me, embarrassed me and because of you I had to leave that school. In fact I left the entire place. My Dad took me far away" he explained "but now" he said, grabbing her chin tightly "I'm back for a payback" and he hit her across the face badly and it caused her pain and made her scream.

"Yes, scream, feel the pain I felt too. I'm sure you don't even know the whole story do you?" He said again. "But I'll tell you everything" And he relaxed his back on the chair, smirking evilly.

Flashback from Aiden

Aiden's POV

I saw Angel coming with her friends from the cafeteria. Hurriedly I walked over to them, wanting her to see the new drawing I made for her. "Hi Angel" I said but she didn't even look at me. Maybe she didn't hear me I thought.

"Uhm Angel-" I tried saying but was cut off when I saw some guy walk to her. I think it's her boyfriend. I got angry, because I know this guy is dating her only because she's hot and popular. I on the other hand actually like her for real. But she wouldn't notice me, I do her homework, but she still doesn't know me. I stood behind while I watch Angel hug him and they started to kiss.

I couldn't stand the sight so I left. I went to the class but couldn't concentrate.

School was over so I decided to hurriedly meet Angel and give her the drawing. It was a drawing of her, perfectly made by me.

I walked fast to the parking lot and luckily she was standing there with her friends but no boyfriend. Thank God.

"Hey Angel" I said, but she didn't look again. What was it? Was it my nerdy glasses? Or because I was not popular? I walked closer and this time she turned to see me. "Hi" I said waving my right hand.

"Yea? Who are you?" One of her friends asked. "I u- I Uhm I do your homework remember? Aiden?" I noticed none of them knew me and that stung a little, a lot actually.

Clearing my throat "I have a drawing for Angel, I made it for her so-" I said and handed it to her.

Her friend collected it as if it was some piece of shit and handed it to Angel. She collected it and when she saw it. She smiled and said thanks. I was really happy and glad she liked it.

Some days later

I walked into the cafeteria and immediately I sighted Angel, I decided to walk to her. On my way some kid placed their leg in front of me and fell, making all my papers fly around.

Trying to pick them quickly, I heard someone said something and I turned to look, it was the kid that made me fall. He got one of the papers in his hands. "Oooh someone's got a crush on Angel here" he said and before I knew it, people were gathering around. And they all began to pick my papers, looking at them, I was trying to collect them but I couldn't.

"Dude, it seems you're obsessed with this girl" and just then Angel and her friends walked over, picking some of the papers, they were surprised. Almost all of the papers which were up to 20pieces were drawings of Angel and some of her photographs too. "What the hell?" Angel said, before turning to look at me. "You're a weirdo" and she tore all of them. But I couldn't stop her.

The kids started to laugh at me and out of shame I ran out of the cafeteria.

Days passed and I couldn't go to the cafeteria to eat. So I'd hid in a corner and have my lunch. Each time a student see me, they'd call me the creepy obsessed guy.

One day I was coming back from school when i saw some group of boys standing and smoking. I tried not to be noticed but it was too late.

"Hey, isn't that, the kid from school? The one that's obsessed with Angel?" One of them said and they all turned to me. I tried to run but they caught me and brought me to the group. I recognized one of them from school. "What do you have here dude?" The one that seems to be their leader asked. And they started to check my back pack. They took my money and when they saw some pictures of Angel the leader got angry. "You think she'd notice you? When I'm here?" He said. And before I knew it they began to punch and kick me. Until a voice said "hey stop it" and they ran. But I blacked out.

Since then I couldn't go to school, I was scared and so I made my dad moved me. With this words "I'll pay Angel back for everything and if I don't have her, no one will"  yes I went around with her pictures but that's because I fucking love her, and since I'm not good enough for her, she'll be no good for anyone too.

Flashback ends

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