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"Come on. We're gonna be so late!" Zhilan complains the thousand times and for the thousand times Clarissa tells her "We're making a grand entrance, not going late".
"Wow! You look breathtaking" Tristan compliments from the phone as they were video calling. Tristan was dressed in a black suit and he looked absolutely handsome. "Okay, time to go," Zhilan interrupts. "Kisses," Angel says to Tristan before ending the call.

The girls look at themselves in mirrors before stepping out. Their dress was nothing but magical. Angel is wearing a black full-length dress, the bottom is laced and fluffy and has dots of yellow on them, and the top has sleeveless hands and they fit perfectly. Bringing her curvy shape.
Clarissa made a Red gown for herself, with floral hands, the flowers looked beautiful and the down of her dress had tiny dots of flowers too, also perfectly fitted.
Zhilan wore a black short dress, the back had an extra layer and was long and fluffy, sweeping the floor as she walked.
"Clarissa, I am officially saying this myself. This is your best project ever" Angel sings, excited about her dress. "Thank you, thank you" Clarissa waves her hands like a duchess.
They do their makeup and quickly order for their rides and truly the entrance was grand. All eyes were on them, it was like a red carpet show.
The management gave their speech and then the graduating students were mentioned.
Parents cheered and the crowd applauded for a lot of time.
"Woah!!...." they shout.
Angel brings out her phone quickly and answers the call from Tristan. She says hi to Jamie and the boys.
Everyone collected their certificates and took pictures. A lot of pictures.
Angel's parents are present and Angel felt so lucky at this moment. She is finally with Tristan, she's graduating, she has awesome friends and also her parents are here.
It feels like a dream but indeed it is a reality.


Austin and Nathan are officially graduates too and the best part is, that Austin is taking over his dad's company. His geek side paid off after all.
Nathan and Clarissa have finally made it official, they're dating and giving each other a chance.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Clarissa shouts after receiving a call. "What!?" Angel shouts back. They're currently parking their stuff from the dorm and it seems Clarissa is in a great mood or there's great news.
"Remember Mr. Rutherford? He just called me right now. He received the pictures I sent to his email and would like to meet ASAP. Oh and get this, I'm flying to London" she screams. The two girls join her in screaming. "This is exciting news and calls for a celebration. I can't believe this is all happening." Zhilan chirped happily. "I know right? You're opening your production studios and now Clarissa is flying to work with the biggest fashion designer in London, I'm so happy for you guys" Angel replied with a huge smile. "Uh, you missed the part where V and V offered you your first TV role. I mean did you hear that? You're becoming a star" Clarissa screams. Zhilan and Angel covered their ears from her high-pitched voice. "Yea and I'd really love to be a star with my ability to hear" Angel jokes and they all laughed in sync.
"I am so proud of us. This is the right time to say it" Zhilan winks. "Oh come on! It is so cliche!" Angel whines.
"No! You guys promised!" Zhilan pouts. "Fine. On three" Clarissa says.
They join hands together just like cheerleaders do.
"We came, we saw, we conquered! Woah!" They cheered together at the same time.

They danced to the music playing in the background as they all packed up their things and got ready to leave.

Tristan is picking Angel up and they're flying with Nathan to Florida. They have one last stop to make.

"You're going to call me every day. Okay?" Zhilan cries. Clarissa and Angel ended up crying along. This is the first time they're departing since the day they got assigned as roommates and became best friends.
They travel alright? But this one is different.
No more early morning classes, jokes about random things that always lighten up their moods.
Nathan and Clarissa kissed and then hugged before she turned to Tristan.
"You take care of her. You hear me?" Clarissa points at Tristan who nodded and smiled. "I got her," he replied. They hugged and entered different cars that came to park their things. "You have great friends," Tristan muttered to Angel, hugging her from behind. She smiled broadly. "I do" staring at the vehicles disappear.

Nathan, Angel, and Tristan arrive in Florida in less than 3hours. After the exchange of pleasantries, Angel dropped some parts of her stuff at her house and had the rest kept at Tristan's. She will be traveling back to New York soon for her contract with V and V.
Tristan is also lucky enough to grab the opportunity to work with another huge contract. Immediately after graduation, he got a job thanks to his dedication to the school.

They have dinner and rest for the next day.

Everyone was dressed in black, and they all drove to where Dylan was buried.
He is the only one that never got the opportunity to live to see this day.
"Hey man, I miss you and I know you're proud and all that but, it sucks to know that you're not here with us and you're not returning" Tristan's voice breaks as he speaks.
"Thank you for teaching me how to do a lot of the cool stuff I know how to do," Tristan says, dropping the flowers in his hand on the grave.
"Thank you for looking out for me every damn time, I miss you so much" Austin cries, dropping his flowers on the engraved stone.
"Thank you for always having my back, you made sure I never had to hide from my fears. I miss you Dylan" Nathan says, dropping his flowers too.
"You risked a lot for me even though you only knew me for a short period of time. You're like the brother I never had. Thank you" Angel dropped hers.
"Everything I am today is because of him" Tristan's voice breaks, Angel hugged him and he sobbed.
"Dylan Westwood was like everything to all of them, he played an important role in everyone's life and he's the definition of love. We miss you" Nathan says.

They say their goodbyes and drive back home.
A few days later, Angel returned to New York to sign her first official deal.

The production company looks huge and very beautiful. There was a lot of space and one might even get lost in between rooms. She takes the lift to the last floor to meet Veronica Van herself.

The elevator door dings! and a young lady welcomes Angel.
"Welcome! You must be Angel. Please hold one while I notify Mrs. V that you're here" she said to Angel politely. She nodded and smiled in return.
A few seconds later, she returns and ushers her inside Veronica's office.
The office looked like a whole house on its own, with tables and chairs. There was a moderate bed by the corner of the room, the room even had a mini gym.

Wow! I could live here! Angel thought.
"Welcome! I'm so glad you've decided to join this family, please sit" Veronica gestured to the chair in front of her.
She stands up to pour Angel a drink and then hands it over to her. Angel received it with a warm smile. "Thank you" she replied and took a sip.

"So, let's begin....." Veronica smiles, bringing out a bunch of paperwork that needed to be signed by Angel.
She was asked to take her time reading everything to be sure she really wanted to be part of the agency.

"I can't wait to start working with you," Veronica says, shaking Angel's hands. She smiles ear to ear.
Immediately she got out, she jumped and screamed. She let out all the excitement she's been holding in and quickly grabbed her phone to call Tristan and tell him the good news. They share the excitement.

"Hey, honey you're back.!" Angel's mom excitedly welcomes Angel. She looked at them suspiciously. They had a stranger over who was presently leaving.
"Uh, who's that?" Angel asked as the man left the door.
Her parents looked at each other and smiled widely.
"Sit darling" her dad gestured.
"This might sound surprising and you might need to take some time to process everything and of course discuss it with Tristan first" Her dad begins to speak.
"Since Tristan's major is in business with me, I would like to offer him the opportunity to run the company with me. That's if he's okay with it, he can either take over or let go if he feels in the future. But the decision is entirely up to him and it'll be open, no forces'' He finished. "You're joking right?" Angel chuckled nervously. They smile at her, telling her this was not a joke. She jumps on her dad "Thank you so much, dad. I love you. You're the best'' Angel excitedly says.
"Ha ha ha. Anything for you my little Angel" he replies. She looked over at her mom and hugged her passionately. "Thank you" she whispered to her. "Come on! Tell him the good news already!" Her mom says, referring to Tristan.

She quickly picks up her phone to call him and deliver the news. At first, he didn't believe her, but after a lot of questions, he couldn't hold his excitement and was screaming through the phone.
Could this year get any better? He of course accepted the offer and is soon to resume work after his current contract.

I hope you're having a really good time 😊 I enjoy writing this book and I'll appreciate hearing that you enjoyed reading it as well. So please vote and don't forget to comment. 😊 💛💛

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