Flufftober Day 1: Winning a Prize for Each Other

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Living in the Avengers Tower was always interesting, and every day was a surprise with a new story.

Ever since Tony had invited you to the team, you had seen people come and go, like Thor, Natasha and Wanda, but one person who had always stuck around was Bucky.

And today's story was no different; music had awoken you at the crack of dawn, red and golden balloons floated past your studio-style room window that overlooked the New York skyline.

Dragging yourself out of bed, you groaned as you looked down to the scene below; a crew of people dressed in red putting up tents and stands just in front of the entrance of the tower.

Annoyed, you stumbled out of your room and into the Avenger's shared kitchen, only to find multiple used pots and pans, from the night before, left dirty in the sink.

Moving across the kitchen you opened the fridge and fished out the shared carton of milk, a bowl from the cupboard and your favourite cereal from the pantry.

Your breakfast was quickly interrupted by the sound of Bucky and Steve's voices as they echoed out of the hallway from where their rooms were.

"Hey (Y/N), did you see that awesome fair outside?" Steve was way too energetic for being up so early in the morning. Bucky, on the other hand, looked half dead from being awake.

"Leave them alone, Steve. If you're that interested in it, go down there with Stark or Romanoff." The other male retorted. Steve only rolled his eyes and left the room, leaving the pair of you alone.

You and Bucky had been together for a while, keeping your interactions minimal and professional when anyone else was around. And to your bewilderment, no one had found out, or if they did they didn't bring up the topic.

Bucky sat down beside you, "Good morning," his voice still hoarse from just waking up, "About the fair.."

"Bucky, no."


You glanced around the room, sighing quietly. "Fine, just let me get ready first."


You stepped out of your room wearing a pair of jeans. Paired with an open flannel and an old S.H.I.E.L.D. tee, the logo sitting on the lapel.

Bucky stood, waiting for you across the hall. His hand was outstretched towards you, "Ready to go?" You nodded and took his hand, the vibranium cold in your hand.

Together, you got on the elevator and went to the base floor, leaving the tower and hiding from any press, as not to be seen together. Doing so, you had stumbled across a couple of prize booths.

Some had water canons and others had mini racing horses. There was a dunk tank situated just beyond the booths.

Each stall was lined with different toys, some were bears wearing the costumes of your fellow Avengers, there were a handful of stuffed Mjölnirs and a couple of Loki style horns, curtesy of Thor telling everyone that his brother was on the team.

Bucky only smiled and pulled you towards the first of two stands. Your eyes darted around the pile of prizes until you spotted a group of shields, each one themed after a different Avenger.

"Hey Bucky, let's split up for just a moment and meet back in ten minutes?" you smiled, squeezing his hand gently.

"Meet you at the dunk tank," he smiled and walked away from you, leaving you alone in front of the booth with water guns.

"Just use the water gun and aim the target, hear the bell and you win," the carney explained. You handed him over a dollar bill and pulled the trigger, the water connecting with the target a couple of feet away from you.

Your skilled eye with targets helped you, the ringing of the bell drawing your attention back to the fair. "Congratulations, pick your prize," the man behind the counter spoke, leaving you to your decision.

You pointed to the corner, "This one?" they asked, you nodded quickly, a soft smile dawning on your lips when the carney placed the shield in your hands.

You walked around the rest of the grounds until the ten minutes were up. When they were, you headed to the dunk tank to find Bucky standing there, his hands holding something behind his back.

"This is for you," you handed him the shield, the metal dawned in silver with a large red star. He chuckled and passed you a stuffed bear with one arm matching his.

"I love it! Thank you!" He leant down and gently pressed his lips to yours.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now