Flufftober Day 22: Flirting At Work

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You walked i to the kitchen that morning to find Tony writing the word 'training' on the white board. There was a collective groan from you, Wanda, Natasha and Bucky when you saw the word scrawled in large red letters. You walked away from the group and stumbled into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee, pulling out multiple mugs from the cupboard.

After you had finished your drink, you rush to your room to get ready and try to get the training done and over with, only to get to the training room and find no one else there.

Once everyone else had showed up, Tony quickly explained the procedure before the AIs rolled out and were dispersed around the room.

Everyone looked exhausted at Tony's antics, except for him.

Moments after the drones were ready, and half of the team, the timer started. The training was more of a competition than actual training.

After a couple of minutes, the majority of the drones were offline. You were crouching over one when Bucky walked over and eyed your position, both of your knees on either side of the robots head.

"You wish that was me instead of some hunk of metal, don't you?" he sneered.

You cheeks flushed pink, "Not now, I'm working."

"Oh please, hardly working. It's only a training exercise."

"I'm getting paid for this, this is work."

"So you get paid and it's instantly work?"

"Yes Bucky, just go and do your job, no matthew how horrible it is right now."

"Loser," he called back as he dashed forward to where another of Stark's drones were and quickly knocked it out. You watched before giving up on defusing the wires and just ripped them out of it.

"Hey! Watch it, (Y/N)! Those are expensive," Tony shouted, but you didn't give two shits or a flying fuck at that point, you were annoyed with Bucky's comment and just wanted to go home.

You huffed out once you were done, marching up to your room and dragging Bucky along.

"Woah woah, why your room? You must have something planned, huh?"

"Bucky just shut up, and stop teasi-" you were cut off by Bucky's lips on yours, pushing you into your room and shutting the door behind him with his foot.

"You were saying?"

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now