Flufftober Day 27: Jacket Swap

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You and Bucky dashed out the door, yanking your coats on as you ran down the street. You had both gotten messages that they needed your assistance at a crime scene nearby. You quickly zipped up the jacket and only focused on getting to your destination and nothing else around you.

People were quickly moving out of your way and you rocketed down the road, Bucky huffing as he rain along beside you.

"How did you get your jacket on, I can't get mine done up," he said between pants, you looked at the jacket and smiled.

"That because you're wearing mine," you laughed as you moved.

"Oh,"  he laughed with you, unzipping it and continuing to move.

You were both out of breath by the time you had got to the scene, the cops were already clearing out the police tape and evidence cards.

"All's good here, sorry you two," one officer said, "We ended up finding what was stolen pretty quickly," another chimes in.

"No worries," you said and smiled, "It's our job to respond anyway."

Bucky scratched at the back of his head, his arms clear through your jacket that had your last name embroidered onto it.

"You should hold onto mine," he said, his eyes dancing over your form.

"But it's yours," you protested.

"Oh stop it, you look adorable in my clothes."

You blushed at his complement, "You sure you don't want it back?"

"Positive. If I need it, I'll ask you for it," he grinned, patting your shoulder gently.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now