Flufftober Day 28: Soothing Baths

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Your muscles ached as you walked into the common room of the tower, your legs sluggish as you dragged your body down the hall to your bedroom. The door to Bucky's room slid open when you walked past, your eyes catching him asleep and sprawled over the comforter of his bed.

You glanced down the hall to where your door was before abandoning the thought and walking into his room, flipping down beside him on the bed. Bucky grunted and rolled over, laying his arm around your waist, "Welcome back," he mumbled, his voice lost in your shoulder.

You shimmied to get closer to him, his skin warm on you, "You're cold."

"Way to be blunt," you laughed as you said, his laugh ringing in your ears, "I'm also tired, I should have you know."

He chuckled, "Let me get you something," he said as he rose from his position, leaving you alone atop his bed.

He returned a couple of minutes later with your favourite towel, "Follow me," he said before ducking out of his room.

You got up off of his bed and followed him down the hall to your room, where was standing in the doorway. Once you were through the threshold, you could hear the water being drawn in your bathtub.

"Go enjoy your bath and I'll be here once you're out and we can cuddle and I'll give you a shoulder massage, ok?"

You nodded and left him alone in your room. Your bathroom was filled with a soft glow from the lit candles, and a bubble bath that had a handful of rose petals floating on the surface.

You sighed contently as you lowered yourself into the water, the heat soothing your aching muscles. You closed your eyes and let the sensation overcome you.

A couple of minutes later, your bathroom door was opened and someone was moving behind you, "I figured I'd give you a massage now, where you'd be more relaxed," Bucky said, his hands gentle on your aching shoulders.

His lips grazed over your cheek while he work, a chaste kiss placed just below your cheekbone, "I love you," he whispered, continuing with his task.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now