Flufftober Day 6: Fireman's Carry

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It was only a recon mission, at least that's what everyone had told you. But a proclaimed recon turned to battle very quickly once shots were fired and explosions were set off.

"Everyone take cover!" Tony called out, less of a request and more of an order. You ducked as a rain of bullets fell from a nearby building, you scampered to a nearby fruit stall, picking up an orange and covering it with lighter fluid and chucking it up into the window where the shooter was positioned, counting on the sparks of casings as they hit the floor to light it.

You quickly moved from your hiding spot to get with the rest of the team on the other side of the market when you felt heat surround your skin, the ground hard as you landed on your side, everything hurting. you tried to move your arm but your efforts were useless. you blinked slowly and as your vision started to refocus you saw Bucky running towards you, and you felt him hoist you up.

The last thing you heard before you closed your eyes was the team screaming out your's and Bucky's names.

When you opened your eyes again, you were back in the tower, the medical ward but the tower nonetheless. Your brain registering the bright lights that hung from the ceiling and you clamped your eyes shut.

Out of one ear, you could hear a rhythmic beeping of a machine, and out of the other, you could hear the quiet breathing of Bucky as his head was resting on an empty part of the mattress while his hand was clutching yours.

You opened your eyes again and gently squeezed his hand, his head lifting ever so slightly so he could open his eyes just enough to see what had happened. You smiled once you saw his eyes trail over your face.

Before Bucky could truly react, a nurse ran over and got him to move enough for them to check your vitals, his hand never leaving yours.

"Well," they started, "You seem well enough to return to common areas, but no training or missions for a while. You still have a large burn from the blast on your back, but you should be fine to walk around."

You nodded and went to step out of the bed only for Bucky to rush over and help you out.

"Oh, thanks Bucky," you only whispered, taking Bucky's hand in yours as he helped guide you from the medical ward to the living quarters.

"Here, go get comfortable in your room and I'll be in with a cup of tea and some chocolate," he offered, bringing you to your room and letting you settle.

You moved from the doorway, moving as fast as your injured body would let you. You grabbed the remote for your tv before situating yourself in bed.

Bucky wasn't any longer before he brought in a bag of different sweets and a travel mug of tea, laying the bag on the bed and hoisting himself up before getting comfortable next to you.

"Wait, so what happened anyway?" Bucky winced at the question, looking away and at the floor before back at you.

"Well, when we were on that recon mission a couple of days ago, it turned out that Ivan had planned an ambush. He had everything from troops to mines planted and you had run over one of those mines when you went running over to the group. Everyone panicked when I ran over to get you. Then we retreated, and got you the medical attention that you needed."

Bucky finished with a shiver and grabbed your hand, "Oh," you mumbled.

"But it's fine, you're safe and on the mend and that's what matters."

You were silent for a while, almost too ashamed to say anything, but there was no need for words when Bucky placed his lips to yours, yours fitting to his like two pieces of a puzzle.

Once you broke, you laid your head on his shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep, Bucky relaxing under you as he closed his eyes; the tv continuing to play for no one.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now